
You: This is about how the police didn’t do their job right.

As opposed to the 9 other families you’d have to talk to doing it the other way...

Good question. Because according to the media these days, women never lie about rape and the men are always at fault. Of course, this is when it’s a woman’s rights issue. Now that it’s a black issue, that rule no longer applies.

It’s called a no-knock warrant. A stand-off in most cases results in hostage situations as well as destruction of evidence. A surprise SWAT entry vs hostage situation usually has a better outcome with casualties according to statistics.

Now playing

This was a drug house. For decades it’s been standard procedure for SWAT to be involved because the residents are usually armed.

Nowhere was that said. But ok.

That’s because we live in a generation now where healthy relationships are considered suspicious and frowned upon.

I’ve seen that happen a lot. But it’s usually not because of what they suggested, but because they did it in an asshole way.

I’m not crying, you’re just blurry.

Cruise Control! I’ve used it for years to curb any speeding habits.

That’s irrelevant. In Canada the penalties are just as strict and with a demerit system, and population density is completely opposite. And 5mph speeding difference is with margin of error for tire wear and speedometer calibration differences.

And for doing 35 in a 30. People get more lenient penalties for DUI accidents.

Of course, it’s all relative to how you see it. You see it as they disabled and crippled part of the car. What actually happened though, is they gave you extra hardware for free. You own the bigger battery. And you are free to hack it or have someone do it. But don’t expect a warranty for free shit.

This isn’t World of Warcraft, this is Eve Online my friend, and had you played the game (not just a couple missions and some mining) you would be accepting this too. Griefing is actually an accepted game mechanic, and this is why the game has lasted so long. The ruthless political drama is what many people thrive on.

100% of all people who ate carrots in 1850 are dead now. Even worse, 100% of rabbits who ate carrots in 1950 are dead now. Carrots are deadly.

It will be good water. Great Water. The BEST water. It will be- YUGE.

Yes, but it’s a good thing! Adding healthy almond fat enhances the flavor, makes you feel full, and doesn’t have the insulin spiking sugar in it.