
Depending on the apple sauce, it’s higher sugar content and lower fiber content.

Very important. We almost lost our dog when she ate only a few pieces of xylitol sweetened gum.

Far less than the grain fillers will in most dog foods.

I’m now mad for you. Teachers like that make me see red.

Hate to break it to you, but your tap water is recycled poop.

Yet when the weather gets bad, the first vehicles to end up in the ditch are jackknifed semis. It’s not that they get better traction, it’s that some (not all) of them are assholes.

More stars! Considered the most reliable car on the road at the moment!

Easy rough calc when driving:

MPH to KPH = add two thirds

I was spanked as a child and i’m so damaged. Wait no i’m not, fuck off.

That’s not how you spell twenty-five!


That’s what I said when I first saw it. Once you play with 3 of your friends though, you’ll be hooked.

This is how all man fights should end. Go at it. One goes down. The other helps him up all gentlemanly. 

“I’ll just take a little off the side... boop!”

No. Those gloves are to prevent masturbation blisters, and the bandannas he wears on his arms are to clean up after. 

While a good idea in theory, 3 plug surge protectors with 2 USB ports can be bought for less. For example:

While a good idea in theory, 3 plug surge protectors with 2 USB ports can be bought for less. For example:

That’s not a first world problem. You fail.

We have the same priced car, work the same hours, and both commute downtown. Stop being a pussy.

You can’t convince the lazy and over privileged. They have an excuse for everything.

First world problems. Get over it pansy.