
And that’s what pictures are for!

More than you can afford pal. Volvo.

Good luck getting in touch with IT now!

This is the perfect definition of First World Problems.

It’s obviously quite flawed. They didn’t take into account for polyamorous couples or princesses living with 7 vertically challenged bachelors, which we know obviously makes up the bulk of relationships.

I would think this would be something Lotus would jump on. They’re pretty hardcore at getting things light, especially with the no welds/bolts on the Elise.

“more lithium gets mined out of the more remote corners of the globe”

Is wearing belts under the butt still a thing?

Ridiculous. All women are angry, not just black ones.

Sorry you’re right, Purchase Agreement.

That’s my point. It would have been much worse had we bought property. Also, this experience shows that even when buying (as our buyers experienced) that even after closing the deal, you may have to back out, through no immediate fault of your own. A lot of people who are buying, are also selling at the same time, and

Even after closing, doesn’t always guarantee everything is ok. When we sold our house, the buyer of OUR buyer decided to walk away from their sale because they lost their job, even though they had put down a 10K deposit. We hadn’t bought a new place, but we did sign rental agreements. We decided to give them another

Which I guess now means we are going to see some AAA developers jumping on the Stardew Valley bandwagon.

“Here is a helpful parenting suggestion from me, a woman who does not have children but might someday: if you want to have intimate relations with your partner, how about you just do it and keep that shit to yourself?”


Maybe. But not Honda ones!

No it’s back. Didn’t you read this article?

Pillars is not a very graphically demanding game, and runs just fine on newer laptops. You might not be running at 60 frames per second, but the newer intel integrated cards do well with older and less demanding games. And please ignore the whole laptop overheating thing that people are freaking out about. It should

It’s perfectly ok for you to feel angry because you don’t know things. Also, fatty people eat bread.