Real bread has more in common with a pancake. Today’s bread? It has more in common with a birthday cake. You’re eating your fish fingers with birthday cake. Also, you have a fish finger problem. I saw some books than can help you with that.
Real bread has more in common with a pancake. Today’s bread? It has more in common with a birthday cake. You’re eating your fish fingers with birthday cake. Also, you have a fish finger problem. I saw some books than can help you with that.
Yet obesity rates, metabolic syndrome and type 2 diabetes, epilepsy, dementia are happening at much younger ages as the generations come.
Bread is the foundation of human civilization, yet it looks nothing like it did a couple hundred years ago. Stop pretending everything is fine, when it isn’t. And you keep going on about fish fingers. Nobody gives a shit about your fish fingers.
It less about what you eat with it, and more about the amounts that you eat. Insulin still has to compensate regardless of how much you eat with the sugar. If that weren’t the case, then in theory a diabetic could just eat more “stuff” with sugar and be fine. While there’s nothing wrong as you said with simple sugars…
“Bread and other products that use refined flour are high on the glycemic index and shouldn’t be a staple.”
Yes. Ancient Egypt had Wonderbread made from white flour down at their local corner store.
I’m sorry for your loss.
No. I consider it a great idea.
Yet that certain person is already ahead of the majority of the known world in regards to lifting. You classification of “wrong” may need a little adjustment.
Which isn’t saying much. The PT is a Neon with a different body.
Comparing your Valve first world problems, to murderers, is pretty ridiculous when you thinks about it.
Now here’s someone who can do 2 things at once:
Just bring it to Canada and i’ll be happy.
Ya good video, but not a good song for the Panda.
When I was instructor, I told my students: I don’t know what the fuck i’m doing. I’m not the instructor.
LOL, man I miss the south.
This is almost an exact re-creation of the drag races we had back in junior high. Except ours was with even older piece of crap cars.
Yet Louisiana has Drive-Thru Daiquiri shops with open alcohol in your car, and no one gives a flip.
It doesn’t matter. It still gives grounds for anyone in the future to use this as a defense in the same situation.