
Came here for this. This was the first image of “her car” that popped in my head when I read the headline.

I’m glad yours is treating you well. I used to work at Dodge both as a tech and an adviser. Many others aren’t as lucky as you.

Watch “The Big Short” please. Not for this goose actor though.

Also, everyone should watch The Big Short.

A good chuckle like that, was needed. Thanks.

How the fuck do you react to this? My Gawd. The only consolation is that a mother and daughter are together now. Many thoughts and prayers to the family. I can’t imagine what a hard time this must be.

I love the guy at 9:30 “I’M GONNA... oh shit you’re bigger than me.”

I think that would be “custodial”. They’re not designing custodians.

And Thelma & Louise die too.

“I openly acknowledge that racism exists within all white people and must be challenged.”

However! It still would have been nicer had everyone followed the truce in game.

Hell no! The fat is the best part!

No everyone else is missing the point. That argument doesn’t work either, because Kickstarter isn’t about investing in continued operations, it’s investing in a specific product. If I backed Pillars of Eternity, I’m not seeing a lick of anything from another product. If I wanted to invest in a company’s operations,

If you invest in solar panels and you get really shitty solar panels, then yes. But if you invest in solar panels and get batteries instead, that’s a problem.

75 of these?

I don’t know why they were so upset. The guy used his turn signal.

Sicario 2

Wombats are cute assholes that will try and Greco Roman you to the ground if they don’t like you.

I think the A-Team made one of these once.