
The people on the fucking porch...

Yeah, that part stuck out to me as well. It’s important because it reinforces the idea that sexual assaults don’t occur in a vacuum. Whether it’s the child being molested by a parent while the other parent keeps everything hush-hush, or a circle of acquaintances who know “that dude is sketchy” or even (as in this

Because not everyone is such a twat.

I do not understand the need to use inspirational quotes in ANY email signatures, let along work emails. I have someone at my office who has one about being kind, and like, it’s a nice sentiment and all, but to me you may as well have a MySpace-style dancing teddy bear with glitter blinging all over it.

One sure sign this is correct: every single person (read: psycho) that has an inspirational quote in their email signature uses some odd ass font for the quote. Exponential crazy.

Or how about when they use both a colored background *and* colored text that work together to make half of the message illegible? *That’s* Fortune 500 level communication!

This isn’t even the worst thing.

Don’t watch the movie because I can guarantee you that Kumail is going to mispronounce a bunch of English words.

Yeah. My husband and I are both white, but he comes from a very blue-collar, country background, and I come from a very WASPy professional background, and that was a hard adjustment for both of us. He’s a college-educated professional too, now, but when we were dating in college I had to teach him how to tie a tie.

They’re so cute. They obviously really love each other.

I hope that you can overcome your difficulties, and one day enjoy all that life has to offer once you get past minor grammatical errors.

This is a great interview, and Kumail and Emily seem like a great couple. As a South Asian woman myself, it makes me happy that stories like this are being told.

I can’t tell you how much I disagree that using the term “autopilot” somehow implicates Tesla, as if the man wasn’t specifically trained, educated, and reminded on the limitations of the system. He was willfully and foolishly risking his life despite all warnings.

The definition of autopilot isn’t something that takes full control. That would be an autonomous car. Autopilot is something that reduces driver workload, like autopilot on an aircraft.

Much like autopilot on planes, where the term originated. It’s arguable that the colloquial interpretation of the term means Tesla should have chosen something else, but it is hardly without precedent.

Operating an honored publication at a loss is a thing rich people have done for a long time. This story is the first I’ve heard of this guy but about five minutes of due diligence should’ve been enough for him to find out this would be a money pit. Only at idiot would buy the VV and expect to make a profit.

Never forget that there is a difference between a liberal and a progressive.

There’s nothing really shocking about this at all.

Everyone’s pro-union until they become management and realize they could buy that sweet ass new Porsche for the low low price of some union busting. Or, I dunno, Faberge eggs don’t grow on trees and Stadium Events cartridges don’t blow themselves, whatever the conspicuous consumption peccadilloes might be.

Liberal or conservative, it’s gonna be hard to find a rich person who actually supports unions. You don’t get rich(or stay rich) without caring for your bottom line above all other considerations.