
I’m bored of you,  and I think you’re the liar

Frankly I disagree. Training is training. Almost everyone receives military training, and that is a fact. It is a country of trained military personnel. This argument comes from a former IDF soldier.

Lol chill out boo. You may not agree with his interpretation, but his not a liar. I forget his name but I could look it up. You don’t need to ‘dare’ me, he’s not trying to hide. He speaks honestly and openly about his experiences in the IDF. A lot of soldiers do, and a lot of them are very critical. Waltz with Bashir

A Jewish Moroccan professor at my old university did one “tour” with the IDF, but later became a conscientious objector, argues that there is no such thing as a civilian target in Israel because essentially the entire population is militarized.

Protect the Christians? As in the Sabra and Shatila massacre, a “fine” collaboration between Israel and the Christians. Don’t pretend the Christians were just innocent victims in the civil war.

You do realize that Hezbollah was created during Israeli occupation of Lebanon as a resistance movement? During the latest war against Lebanon IDF put their artillery just outside Arab villages in northern Israel. So much for “hiding among civilians”.

No one is condemning her for being born Jewish, or in Israel. She’s being condemned for failing to refuse to serve in the IDF, a terrorist organization.

I don’t hate Jews. I hate Colonialists. Israel is colonialist. So I have a problem with the state of Israel. I also have a problem with the Russia, the China, US and Canada, and I live in the last one. What Israel is doing in Palestine is similar to the Chinese in Tibet - and so I hate both of those things equally.

I just wanted to point out that your statement was incomplete. My point went back to that it was not her sin to be born in Israel, but that I was not happy about her being a Zionist.

Jew here, dislike Israel. There is a difference between being born and Israel and being a staunch fucking Zionist. I do not believe I have a right to Israel just because I am Jewish.

sorry, but that is not the case. the major diasporas of the jews occurred during the babylonian and roman eras. historically, christians have been much more belligerent against jews than muslims. remember, for almost two thousand years christendom and the churches blamed the jews for christ’s execution.

if by ‘annihilation’ you mean oppression of its people, harming its citizens, or the physical destruction of its institutions, then no. i am not advocating for violence against its civilians.

i dont believe that jews are evil or imperialists. not any more than i believe that christians are evil or imperialists. nor any more than i believe muslims are evil or imperialists.

yeah, good on you for pointing that out. lebanon has the moral high ground. the following are just the civilian casualties:

I’ve seen Lebanese people on twitter broadly supporting the move and I don’t blame them, even though I myself will be catching the first show here in Calcutta.

And it makes me want to see it less. In teh same way I would want to see a movie less if I found out Richard Spencer was the main star.

Lebanon already has a wholesale ban on Israeli products, including movies, so yeah, that’s exactly what they intend to do.

I think thats the whole point

Pretty sure they’d be okay with that.

Gadot’s service and her outspoken support for the IDF in subsequent years have led many to accuse her of being a Zionist—in the term’s most controversial interpretation.