If by “decades” you mean, as long as we had income taxes, then yes, that is correct.
If by “decades” you mean, as long as we had income taxes, then yes, that is correct.
The clue is in the title capital gains tax. you are paying tax on what extra income is generated from your investment. Not the investment itself. QED no double taxation.
Every time money changes hands it is taxed. You get taxes taken out of your paycheck, then when you buy a new car you pay taxes again. It doesn’t mean you were taxed twice, it means money changed hands.
I don’t agree with the “income from sitting on your ass” of capital gains. It’s income from risking your savings to help others generate work and jobs.
“There’s plenty of reason to consider having capital gains rates be lower than wage income.”
Such as?
thats really bad logic. sorry. just because you bought an asset with post-tax dollars, that does not mean you ‘paid taxes twice’ when that thing makes you more money.
Or......... it may have the opposite effect. For people to find better investments than just throwing money into private companies whose under pressure to maximize profit every quarter... usually to the detriment of their employees as laying off employees is the easiest way to improve the bottom line.
If you live in a major metro, you’ve likely driven near, around, and been passed by a Tesla on autopilot. How are you alive enough to type?!
“When someone shows you who they are, believe them.” —Maya Angelou
I don’t watch the show, but I have a really hard time believing he had zero knowledge of the social stigma the trans community faces as a gay man himself.
Especially if he is gay himself. Maybe its different in his town but where I live, the gay and trans communities are pretty seriously interlinked. Gay people (and their supporters) would have to be pretty clueless to not have at least a passing familiarity with the issues trans people face.
Jeff placed a person into a potentially dangerous situation because of a fucking game, and he claims it was because he was ignorant of transgender issues but is now educating himself. Fuck you, Jeff. The only reason to be misinformed about transgender issues in this our year of the lord April 2017 is because you…
I like Tecate, but I don’t claim to be a beer connoisseur. My first beer was a PBR. My mom said anyway, I was 2 and don’t remember.
It’s supposed to be demoralizing, not enforceable.
Let’s be clear; these laws are only designed to target “mannish” women and transwomen who don’t pass well. Sure, they may be targeted more broadly to incorporate transmen or feminine men, but in reality we all know who the laws are really aimed at suppressing.
That would be “squat your ground”, Walter.
Uhhhh ... I don’t think that’s what the terms “feminist” and “pro-choice” mean.