They'll both have to plunk aimlessly at pianos and see which one he drifts towards.
They'll both have to plunk aimlessly at pianos and see which one he drifts towards.
I wish I could stand Amanda Palmer because I love Neil Gaiman so much.
To be fair, zombies feel more like an "Easter" thing.
Everyone on here saying that "Jesus turned into a zombie anyway, LOL" is incredibly offensive. Jesus, upon Resurrection, was not a zombie. His command of speech and mastery of arcane powers means that he was a LICH.
Ah you beat me to it you son of a bitch
Pastafarians, unite!!!
They're just mad because this breaks with canon, Zombie Jesus isn't supposed to come around until Easter.
…because this was somehow more terrifying than the story of a man coming back from the dead and terrorizing everyone through constant surveillance for 2000+ years?
I'm ok with this concept, I just feel that it'd be much more appropriate for Easter.
""I've lived here for 15 years and I've never had a violation of any kind ... It's a holiday decoration. I know if it was a real pretty nativity scene they wouldn't be saying anything."
Until the 26th?
Come on now, Jesus wasn't a zombie until much later, everyone knows that!
He is a dick and he can join Thurston Moore in the special space for alternative dicks who think that just by being alternative, their midlife crisis is not a freaking cliche.
Sorry, I had to-
So when people like this break up does the emotional strain really get to them and they start looking, like, really put together and neat?
Has it been announced who gets custody of Johnny Depp yet?
If two people who seemed to have literally been made for each other (by Vincent Price as The Inventor) and had perfectly subverted the issues of cohabitation can't make it, who among us can? I'll take this as proof that humans weren't meant to mate for life.
it's ok to start drinking
Helena Bonham Carter can FUCKING. GET. IT.