
Curt Shilling and racist Red Sox fans made me quit my Red Sox fandom. Bill Simmons can eat a dick.

He should probably try to sign Lebron.

Yeah, then why not remake the mascot into a polygamist while we’re talking about Utah’s rich history of things.

I can’t be the only one that hopes that Utah somehow gets the team name Raptors from Toronto if only for the scientific factuality of the name. The Utah Raptors. You can’t tell me that wouldn’t be cool as hell. For fucks sake, they could even have a Jurassic Park night.

I can’t be the only one who hopes that somehow, Utah gets the team name Raptors if only for the scientific factuality of that name. For fucks sake, they could even have a Jurassic Park night. You can’t tell me that wouldn’t be cool.

You mean to tell me that Scott Brooks brought problems that he had at OKC with him to DC? Shocker.

Question: How the hell did Draymond not get ejected for going at the ref the way he did when he got T’ed up in the first half? Seriously, anybody else not named Lebron James would’ve been gone.

Good. Maybe he’ll stroke out and be incapable of being president, I mean, even more so than he is now.

Don’t tell Draymond Green that.

Now playing

Maybe we’ll get lucky and get a solo album from Big Boi and Andre 3000 this year.

Yes, and we all know what’s gonna happen next. Neither team has won at the other’s home. Bye, bye fuckboy Wizards.

You motherfucker....

It is now 3 days later, and it sure is starting to seem like it is.

Either way, it still sucks.

I can’t wait until he eats somebody’s elbow by “accident”. Looking at you, DeMarcus Cousins.

You should learn to use comma’s.

I definitely listed the 1984 Celtics/Lakers series as the best ever. As for the 1991 finals, Idk, maybe because it had both Jordan and Magic in it. You may crawl back up your mother’s womb now.

I have. You should read down the comments a bit farther.