
You do understand that team owners don’t own or have any say in what a production crew does or does not film, right? What’s next? Are you going to lambast photographers in Syria because they photograph victims of the war there? How about writers who interview the families of murder victims? Or is the landlord of the

Hmmmm..... no they’re not. There are these things called “TV Crews” that include cameramen, soundmen, directors, gaffers, grips, best boys and producers and so on that “film” what’s happening. They work for a separate business entity than the team. There’s no way you’re this much of an idiot that I needed to explain

Yeah, the celtics are in charge of what the NBA does as a whole and of what TNT/ESPN film and show to the nation. Makes sense, good job. Out of curiosity, how much does it cost to study as Charles Barkley’s underling? Asking for a friend.

Charles Barkley can go fuck himself. He’s like if Stephen A. Smith gorged himself on milk duds and then took several blows to the head.

Riiiggghhhtttt...... because he clearly didn’t have a choice but to play? Or maybe he felt like playing would help keep things normal for him, even if it was only for a few hours? GTFO with that bullshit. Boston may be a shitty city, but no one forced him to do anything. He chose to play because it’s what he wanted

This upsets me. The only appropriate thing to drink that’s 40oz is Old English, and even then you need to put a little bit of orange juice in it.

Hope you fucks enjoy rat lungworm.

He’s seven feet tall and all of those feet are broken. Deal with it.

I think you seriously underestimate the amount of talent it takes to be even a half way decent TV writer. I agree with you on the fact that more POC and women need to be represented and seen in media and behind the scenes, but hiring scabs is not the way to go. Remember X-Men Origins: Wolverine? It was as bad as it


Yeah, you and three other people have brought this up. Didn’t he have to go to double OT to do that? I thought so. Didn’t he/the cavs just drop their last few games to teams without someone like LBJ? Exactly. Your argument is null and void.

Who says that Playoff Lebron is going to show up this year? Nobody wants to admit it, but he’s starting to decline and by decline, I mean play like a normal NBA player in his prime instead of like a genetically engineered beast designed to obliterate other countries at the Olympics.

I’ve tried. I can’t help but hear narcissism in every word he says. It’s exhausting. But he makes great beats. I’ll give him that.

Dark Sky Paradise would be better with less Kanye. And by less, I mean zero.

What? You’re crazy.

I think that you’re discounting the fact that over half of america did not vote. You really think that half of america is going to what this bleached dingle berry for another four years if he even makes if out of this first term?

He can’t handle the truth.

Don’t you ever God Damn forget it, either.

Across - 5.)  What show isn’t returning until 2018?

Alright, this is what you’ll do.