
So he’s the “Always a bridesmaid, never a bride” of NCAA basketball coaches? Yes, yes he is.

I’m not saying it’ll be like this for every show, just big-budgeted show’s with well known producers/writers/directors/actors attached to them. You’ll still get The Big Bang Theory on time, I’m just not sure that’s a good thing or not.

Get used to it. The way TV is trending, it’s going to be the new model for high-end shows like this from now on.

Everything you just said about UK can be applied to UNC. When was the last time Roy Williams was worth a shit? It’s been a while.

Now playing

Looking forward to the rest of the new album.

IMO, all Drake is bad Drake because Drake is a biter. Sorry if that makes you mad.

What is worse: getting a tooth pulled or the actual sound of it being wrenched from your head?

Who got that dog in the picture drunk and why did they let him drink by alone?

Andy from Twin Peaks got old.

Yes, Exactly! They get punched by a god, all the heroes die, maybe we’ll get lucky and DC will just stick to animated movies and we can all get on with our lives sans bad comic book movies.

Not surprised this isn’t great. I read the script that Max Landis did for this and I thought it was amazing. Less than impressed with “Goldar” or this tween drama. Oh yeah, BRING BACK DAVID MICHAEL FRANK!

I do. I’m upset that he’s made me miss Quinn Cook and Tyus Jones.

Duke is my team, but I’m happy they lost though. Grayson Allen has really grown to piss me off with his shit antics.

Because I can and because you pissed me off. I can deal with dickish behavior when someone is ignorant of a situation, but I corrected you and you continued to push the matter just like you are now. Maybe you should leave well-enough alone and this wouldn’t have happened.

I read it as it is. Apparently, you aren’t capable of reading comprehension. Probably best not to talk about what someone else supposedly needs when you are lacking in said area. It’ll help you not look like a jackass. BTW, you don’t deserve courtesy.

Hmm... yeah. OP definitely wasn’t talking about the tribe, he was trying to draw a parallel between immigrants that CHOSE to come to this country and slaves that were forced onto ships to be transported to work in what amounted to southern work/death camps but thanks for putting your -2 cents in.

Yeah, not a Trump supporter, but clearly you are. And for me to be racist would mean that I’d have to hate my biracial son. Also, go fuck yourself.

You. You and that shit-ass POV is exactly what’s wrong with the US right now. I only hope that you dropped that mic into your big, stupid mouth and slowly chocked to death on it.

Kong: Skull Island was a bad excuse to make pretty VFX that people would pay to see. The actors phoned it in, the dialogue might as well have been canned and the story sucked. It had a lot of potential, but I found it lacking in almost every aspect except for visually.