
Hamilton, the thing that you’re failing to understand is that you cannot help people that don’t want to be helped. People that voted for Trump voted for everything that is happening/about to happen. They wanted this and nothing that they’ve said or done has said otherwise. For Christ’s sake, I was waiting in line at

Ahh....Wilmington, my home town. I can attest to the fact that Wilmington PD is filled with almost nothing but donut eating shit heads. You don’t want to hear the stories I have, trust me.

As someone who actually lived in NC for 28 years before recently moving, I give that a 80/20 shot at best. Yes, they love Kuechley when he’s taking people out and called him a faggot when he cried after getting concussed. They do the same thing with Cam: love him when he’s great and call him the “n” word when he’s

So.... no more NFL? Please?

Bet those three kids chanting that shit just LOVE Cam Newton, though. Fuck those kids and their shit-ass parents.

Really? Did he really have to bring Christ into this? How about you do the morally/ethically appropriate thing instead of being a shit-ass rich person.

I would probably say he’s a more successful Tim Tebow, which really isn’t saying much.

Because the intentional burn was forcing him to play in Cleveland.

I’d rather see her back in SPAWN, where she belongs.

You have a Mark Cuban text in your future.



I like Russ, I think what he’s been doing this year is fantastic, but let’s not gloss over the fact that it’s easy for someone of Westbrook’s caliber to put up numbers like his when he is the ONLY talent on the team. Hell, you might as well put Embiid up for MVP if your not going to at least acknowledge that fact.

Just what America needs right now: Soccer fans.

Omarosa is such an uncle tom. Is there a female version of uncle tom? Whatever it is, she’s that.

Dude, I’m from NC. Boston’s probably a little bit worse. I was surprised by the amount of confederate flags I’ve seen flying around or on peoples cars.

Bill Polian is bat guano in a cheap suit.

This is nice, I guess. Still looking forward to Big Boi’s new album way way way way way way way way way way more.

Is there any other way?

He’s still in better shape than anybody that works for Deadspin.