
That’s not going to hurt his draft stock at all. Seriously, fuck him and it should.

Yeah. That’s sharks when they’re in the womb.

No, no, no. Have you not been watching how this works? Look at what the Kings did. You have to physically, mentally and spiritually exhaust all possibilities before you realize that Burneko is as valuable as a formerly glazed donut that’s been licked clean. THEN you trade him for a bag of hobo fingernails, dirty

You know, the thing that’s always struck me as funny is to hear other supposed “Christians” judging everyone else around them. I was always told that for every finger you point, three point back at you. Makes me wonder why so many of these people are so worried about what everyone else is doing instead of worrying

Dave Chappelle’s Clayton Bigsby, the black white-power supremacist leader, approves of this song. He also produced it, with his blind ass.

Now playing

If you like Protest the Hero, you’ll like Mystery Weekend. Singer and Drummer from PTH with someone else on guitars/bass. More punk rock than PTH also.

That’s not saying a lot....

Locomotive Jones, maybe you could help Starvin Martin deal with his loneliness in the grays because, you too, will not be getting any help with getting out of them from me. Maybe you two could help each other design swastika laden lederhosen instead of trying to to do your best worst impression of Milo, who we all

You can be Christian, you can views but that does not mean you have Christian views. Looking at the majority of you, Republicans.

Starvin Martin, refer to my earlier comment. You will not be getting out of the grays.

To Starvin Martin, no, I will not help take you out of the grays with your shit comment. You are more than welcome to go fuck yourself instead, though.

No. Bill Maher is a pandering coward. Milo is a monster, along with all his nazi brethren. I hope to punch both “men” in the face some day.

“Uncle Tom? My name’s David.” - Sheriff Samuel L. Jackson’s character from Django Unchained.

Why not go for it as in why not trade for Melo? Because Phil Jackson, arguable one of the most overrated coaches to ever be inducted into the hall of fame, how shown just how much of a basketball scrooge he is by his continued public sniping of the team he currently GMs. If we’re honest, Phil would ask Danny Ainge for

Pretty obvious that you don’t watch much Celtics games. Marcus has continued to improve. His is shot mechanics are much better. He’s not dipping the ball so low anymore when he spots up. He’s been dropping dimes all year. He’s always been a defensive bulldog and has become even more so with Stevens putting him in the

Yeah. Melo is also... how do you say? OLD AS FUCK.

Another thing that’s almost never brought up is the fact that Trump can talk about bringing jobs back till the cows come home. It doesn’t mean shit if those jobs A) don’t pay a living wage, B) are immediately “filled” via automation[see: Carrier] and C) the corporations are given such an extravagant tax break that the

Only good things (bad things?) can come of this.

Just like you can’t stop being shaped like Barney the dinosaur out of his costume?

You know, something I’d really like to see is a Legends of the NBA scrimmage during the All-Star break. It’d be good for the kids to see Shaq make barkley shaqtin’ a fool.