
I took my kid to the Museum of Science (first time going, very nice) on Saturday, so many cars off the road on the way into Boston. At least it was nice and clear on the way back.

Can’t be any worse than here in NH. Plows have been out since noon the and the roads are still a shit show.

Now playing

Supremely underrated band. This song is especially prevalent with the candy corn combover in office right now.

“No, Jimbo. You’ve got other problems. Like dismantling a once-proud franchise and making a mockery of everything the name Knickerbocker has meant, and should mean.”

If you’re a centrist who can’t be bothered to pay attention to the character and detail of someone running for PRESIDENT, maybe you shouldn’t vote then?

Ehhhhh.... nah. The left SHOWED everyone who Trump is while he himself was showing what an irascible ass he grew to be. You should probably stop blaming the left for this egregious political fuck up, we didn’t do this and we damn sure didn’t want this.

I was a Patriots fan from childhood until Nov. 7, 2016. Never Again.

God willing, all of them. The only thing more awesome would be if they got invited to a cookout by the Obama’s and went there instead.

Personally, I’d say she looks like a cancer riddled Thundercat.

“so Senate Democrats may filibuster the effort.”

Public school taught me how to teach myself. I grew up in a coastal southeastern NC town where the schooling is adequate, the teachers are underpaid severely and the school administration is pretty hands off unless you’re out picking fights and stirring shit up. Reading had always been a strong skill for me, even at a

Nah. Roseanne Barr as Bannon would be perfect casting.

They are one of the few (you could almost say minuscule) things to still like about ESPN. Other than them, it’s pretty much a dumpster fire all around.

As a Celtics fan, this made me happy. As a human being, today could only get better if/when the patriots lose.

You deserve a beer and since I can’t give you one for real, this’ll have to do.

1) Well, I’m not your average democrat.

Can we just skip this shit and get to the street fights against Nazis already?

Yeah, not a fan of any of those teams. Nice try.

As a duke fan, he’s made this team really unenjoyable to watch. Jayson Tatum does something awesome? GA pushes the other team’s coach. Harry Giles actually contributes for once this season and puts down a monster slam? GA gives up x-number of charity stripe points. Fuck him. I can’t wait till he’s not on the team