
Oh, fuck off already. If you don’t like it, don’t click on it to read it.

Football players are weird people. To support this:Drew Magary, a very strange man.

Steve Bannon looks like he mistakes powdered sugar for cocaine.... on purpose.

You know, the way I’ve looked at this is the same way I looked at the situation the first time Lebron was in Cleveland. The front office is probably not trying to get more players to help him win another title. BUTTTTTTTT...... Lebron isn’t a GM and should’ve kept his two cents to himself when it came time to build

But I also highly doubt that hat placement had any effect on the election results.

Also “Summer Friends” is the best Chance the Rapper song

Looks like I’m doing it.

There’ll probably be a lot more when oligarch heads start to roll.

He ate the Colonel.

Now playing

FRESH DAMIAN MARLEY. It felt appropriate considering everything that happened this weekend. Also, it was either this or Sepultura’s “Refuse/Resist”.

It’s a mental block for Trump supporters. I’ve shamed members of my own family, especially after yesterday’s shameful shit, and I’m always met with “But Hillary”, “Emails” and “He wanted us to know we have options”. Bitch, not if it’s nazism.

I hate to say it, but I think I agree. I’m still holding out hope that enough people within the government (CIA, FBI, State Department, DHS, etc.) start looking at him and themselves and say “No, we can’t do this.” I don’t want to see a government coupé, but it could definitely happen. I only hope that we have an

Trump’s America:

I know it’s probably a bit early, but does anyone think these two shit heads are actually gonna give up power peacefully when they lose the next election? I really don’t see it happening.

Did you get this out of Tom Brady’s locker? I know him and Trump are into some kinky shit, but damn....

This is fantastic. Thank God for lawyers and Judges that have a conscience. And now for the mandatory FUCK YOU IF YOU VOTED FOR THIS ORANGE PISSBALL WITH A BAD COMBOVER KNOWN AS TRUMP.

That’s his plan. He’s going to deport every single person who practices islam in this country, send them home, then bomb the every living fuck out of innocent people. This will be effective in his eyes because Isis and other terror organizations practice guerrilla warfare, they hide in plain sight and since they hide

All I can think when I see this picture is “Who wants a fat guy hug?!”.