Seriously. Especially after the birth horror story post. Moms deserve at least that.
Seriously. Especially after the birth horror story post. Moms deserve at least that.
People who don't laugh at their kids are annoying. My friend NEV.ER. laughs at her son because he's such a fucking treasure.
Seriously people its a kid, a tiny kid, kids act out, the parents are egging her on for a laugh shes not going to turn out to be a violent psycho or nothing, for fecks sake what a bunch of dryshites.
No point.
That mom is my kindred spirit. What the fuck is the point of pushing a melon out of your hoo-hah if you don't get to point and laugh when it grows up into a hilariously inept toddler?
I can't remember a time when I saw a woman go downtown on screen withOUT it being All About Him. I mean — sure — we got extended viewing of the O-face, but it was from a female perspective, and damn, Claire totally controlled the whole thing. Loved it. Brilliant.
"Calm your tits."
Yeah, and if they'd sentenced her to a class on why you should only get pharmaceuticals from a licensed pharmacy and some amount - even a large amount - of community service I'd say you had a point. But 12-18 months behind bars? That's excessive. She's not a risk to the community, she's not going to reoffend, and she…
This might be the entire reason why the internet was invented. It needs approximately 23billion more stars.
I'd know it was illegal, too—- but I run a pro-choice group and am probably more educated on these things than the average person. I'd argue that the fact that you've got leisure time to read things like this on Jezebel probably means you're a little more informed on the subject than the general population, too.
At the point the daughter was at, it was too late for Plan B. It's usually taken the next day. Plan B prevents implantation of a fertilized egg, it doesn't cause an abortion.
Aww, well, that's nice that you guys had a good time and it all worked out in the end.
I'd be most concerned about getting some cyanide pill or something. It would not surprise me at all for some whackadoo pro-lifer to offer "abortion pills" that were actually poison. I'm sure some of them would rather kill us than allow us to have an abortion.
No, you have no idea what she did and knew....and yes, a mom may have NOT known it was illegal.
The Republicans want this to happen. Your life bleeding out in a back alley somewhere or imprisoned is the tax they want to levy on you for being a woman and having the gall to try and control your own body. To them, everything is working out according to plan.
My assistant is friends with Sam Heughan. As I was sneaking in peaks at Outlander recaps today (including that Vulture post) it was all I could do not to be like, "so you know your friend's sex face is all over the internet today right?" Just didn't seem appropriate. That face though. . .
What followed was one of the few sex scenes I've ever seen that felt like it wasn't written explicitly for men. GAZE, LADIES, GAZE.
According to <a href="…">this Vulture article</a>, "While the scene marked the first time the characters had had sex with each other, the actors who play Claire and Jamie had already done a love scene together — a more intense scene that we won't see until episode nine when Outla…
Day-yum I need to watch this show