
Yeah I agree, this makes tons of sense. I don't have PTSD, but I do binge eat, and I know that when I binge, I'm kind of zoning out, it helps me dissociate so I can stop thinking about bad stuff for a few minutes. So I can imagine that someone with more trauma in their past than me would use that coping mechanism as

Fuck you, you self-entitled idiot. Some fine day, you, too may actually be traumatized past the point where you can really function. And may you then remember how callous, and lacking in compassion you really are. Or, maybe you're just another narc. abuser who likes to inflict suffering, because you are so withered

I have PTSD that wasn't acquired through military service too. I feel like your husband does sometimes. Thank you for standing up for him (and others like us).

...PTSD is by its nature chronic. And if you've been diagnosed, you know how expensive it can be. So try to extend your deep compassion to people who don't have a doctor's stamp yet, and to people who do have a fucking eating disorder and had as much choice in developing it as you did in developing PTSD.

Also. If you

Thanks for this. People with non-military PTSD already face enough stigma. We don't really need more.

I remember reading some research a few years ago that said the age in which you suffered abuse (or began to suffer) had bearing on which addictive/destructive behavior a woman would be more prone in later years. If the abuse happened (iirc) before age 8, it would usually be more food, shopping, OCD. If after, it would

Agreed. There is a tendency for people to assume that all mental disorders are self-diagnosed, even when they're actually diagnosed, and then for people to not trust the diagnosis. Yes, both my ADHD and my PTSD are as real as my asthma. I'm sorry it inconveniences people to trust that others know their bodies

I was diagnosed with PTSD after being assaulted, and I completely agree. I was in denial about the diagnosis for a long time because I felt like PTSD is one of those things that isn't real most of the time, and so it took a long time for me to get the help I needed. Many family members still don't see the diagnosis as

My husband has PTSD, and because he developed it because of physical and psychological abuse in his home of origin plus a violent home invasion — not through military service — he already feels like his PTSD is somehow illegitimate. So I find your attitude to be unhelpful at best, and reinforcing the prejudice that

Remember, don't feed the trolls.

Well, duh. People with PTSD are more prone to ALL addictions.

Oh, boy. This would explain SO MUCH. I'm going to try to read through the entire study.

If by 'leaked' you mean 'distributed by mom'...then ok. You just know Kris was pissed to be left out of Nude Photo Leak - Round One.

Oh, god, I fell asleep during sex with my husband once. I woke up very grumpy. It was a confusing encounter.

I'd be with you on that, honestly. Hillary is way too far to the right for me, and Sanders is awesome. It just feels like Hillary is way too big of a hypocrite a good portion of the time.

I've woken up to being groped in a very welcome way by my partner. I thought he initiated it but apparently it was me—I woke him up by groping him! I have no memory of doing this, but I believe him. Luckily we are in a relationship and welcoming of sex at any time—I would hate to think if something like this happened

Wait a second, let me get this straight:

I suffer from sexsomnia. Or more to the point, my wife suffers from my sexsomnia. I have often woken up mid-coitus. And this began long ago. I used to share a bed with many people in college, but after I groped several in my sleep (irrelevant of gender, despite me being 100% straight) I realised I should be more

Ership Rum! Ership Rum!

I think it speaks volumes about gender inequality in our country that there are exactly zero Women's Ership Rums out there. What is this, the 1940s? Get on it Hilary!