
Both of my epidurals failed. I was ready to kill the entire anesthesiology department. I actually yelled at one point, "Do any of those fuckers know what they're doing?" And I'm not the east bit sorry for it.

I told a little bit of this on the article about male gynos.

[Husband] also made the mistake of saying "But it was only 40 minutes!" I offered to stab him in the crotch for only 40 minutes.

I remember my Mum telling me they gave her enemas before she had both of my brothers. And they gave my SiL one before her first son was born as well.

I feel like they singled me out due to stereotyping. Child Protection showed up at my door with the police, and shoved me in the back seat of a cop car. They took me and my daughter to the pediatrician's office for further testing. I was able to call the lab and they confirmed it was a mix up. Another baby was born

Holy shit, that is horrifying. How do people in the medical community not understand basic tenets of care and humanity?

For my second kid's birth, my epidural failed. Yep, apparently this is a thing that can happen. I had been in labor for about 12 hours and was exhausted. I got it just as things were getting intense, and was fine for about an hour. Then all of a sudden the pain came back full force, just as I was transitioning - the

If you decide you want to do it, it's totally worth it. I had to have a c-section,which was literally my worst nightmare. And it didn't even matter afterwards, because I was so excited about meeting my baby son. Seriously, don't let people scare you - if it's something you want, it'll be ok. Everyone's story is

I'm a doula and I'm only going on my own experience, but based on that, I'd say maybe 10%. Maybe. As women go into labour, they often have diarrhea, thereby avoiding the pooping while pushing thing.

1. 4 "false alarms"

Yeah, it will hurt so much that you will not care about poop or anything else, but the pain is temporary. And when you hold your baby, you will forget all about what just happened. Otherwise, there would be no second children.

Man, people are already taking this thread SUPER seriously and negatively. To all I say: chillax. This thread is not meant to stop women from becoming mothers. If you really want to be a mother, nothing in this thread will stop you, and if it does, then you really didn't want to be a mother.

I was induced due to complications, the nurse ruptured my sac w/o asking, they did internal fetal monitoring without asking, and after 30 hours of NOT letting me up to move, I developed a clot that went to my lung. They didn't do an u/s even after I told them about the pain, etc, and I ended up being sent home and

The thing that freaks me out the most about labor:

You and your family sound legitimately well adjusted and sweet.

I'm going to read this shit right up until I'm pregnant, then I plan on banning all negative talk. Maybe. It's pretty enticing.

Oh sweet jesus no. With 14 weeks and 5 days left..I can't read this (who am I kidding. Yes I can..I'll be squirming in my seat the whole time)

Your mom is a smart lady.

Amen to that! I was always grossly aware that anytime ANYONE wants to tell you the story of their child's birth it is, in essence, showing off. They either want to horrify you with the insane details, or paint a picture so pretty an=bout their doula and the mood lighting and then show you a picture of themselves in

When I was pregnant, my mother said that women who share birth horror stories never mean well. I was plainly told by her, a mother of many children, that it would hurt like hell, but at the end, I would be glad.