
Children crying in videos is my jam.

TBH: that baby is correct, dude looks WAY better with a beard.

I don't blame the baby. He looks completely different.

I have to admit I have a similar reaction when guys shave their beard...

Holy cow, twelve years of having a beard and suddenly it's gone?

She's just saying what we're all thinking.

I've always said, as parents it's important to give our kids something to talk to their future therapists about.

This is completely legit. When I cut my hair short a year or two after my son was born, he flipped his shit completely. Wish I had gotten it on video. He wasn't necessarily scared, it was more "what the hell did you do, woman?!" I think it was just that he couldn't get tangled up in my long locks anymore and that was

I remember my Dad shaving his beard off when I was about 5 or 6 and I lost. My. Shit. My parents still make jokes about it...jerks.

I had the exact same reaction to my dad shaving his beard off when I was three. I screamed and cried. I had no idea who he was. I remember it so well. I jumped in my parents bed early in the morning and when I saw him I flipped. Traumatizing.

My dad traumatized me by shaving his mustache off once when I was about 3! It was horrible. This random guy came upstairs when I was napping, and I was so scared that I had a whole conversation with him before understanding that it was my dad. It was so scary that I remember it to this day.

Aww, poor girl. I got the same reaction from my nephew when I went from butt-length hair to fauxhawk. He literally screamed bloody murder every time I came near him for the next 3 days.

That little girl is totally going to find pod-person movies way scarier than the average person when she's older. Traumatizing childhood experiences you can barely remember impacting adult anxieties FTW.

Seriously. I do not have disability, but I'd just have fucking left. I don't give a shit. I'd have left and demanded my money back because that's bullshit. I paid to see you perform and I'll enjoy it any way I damn please. Wouldn't it have been great if the whole crowd just up and left? YOU'RE NOT THAT IMPORTANT KANYE!

She is awesome. I'd love to hang out with her, although I would be a bit afraid too.

And, you know what, even if she was way off base and being all mean and shit, wouldn't even mind.

that gif is everything.

Have you ever known someone who believes their own lies? I feel like LiLo might be one of those folks.

Fucks given - 0

Wow, what a fucking ass Kanye is. Way to leave absolutely no room for doubt on that point, man.