
No, it wasn't. It wasn't in any way, any of her fault. She's fucking 9 years old for goodness sake. This is absolutely 100% the fault of the fuckwit who put an uzi in her hands, switched it to fully automatic, then told her to pull the trigger. The fully grown adult who, at any point, could have said "You know

I was nine when I was handed a .45 automatic, I immediately fired all seven rounds into a tree. Then I was given a .44 magnum...

I know, my dad taught us all how to fire a gun and what they do. He said an automatic weapon in a 9 yr old's hands should be criminal lunacy.

I don't really remember being nine: How much of this situation will a 9 year old be able to fully grasp? Will she *really* be going through that much of an emotional ordeal?

I guess I am what you'd call a "gun nut". I couldn't fathom allowing my 10 year old fire a fully automatic weapon though. It saddens me that this happened to both families. I can't imagine what that little girl and the children of that man are going through. I hope the all heal.

Who puts an uzi into a 9 year old girl's hands?!?!?!?!

His capacity to see himself as the victim when he's the one driving his life off a cliff is pretty impressive.

I will say this: I read Jenny Sanford's book about her life with Mark, and in a book meant to highlight how good she is, she comes off as a rather entitled, self involved White Christian Princess, Woe is me. She's the type that swallow the nasty lies about poor women and children in her state, all in the name of

So, the mistress broke up his marriage and his ex wife broke up his engagement? So weird how nothing is ever his fault. Sociopath love to blame others for their problems.

Right? "I moved to Argentina after humiliating the mother of my children in the most public way possible, and now that harpy wants to make sure I'm not drunk when I get around to sending the Christmas plane tickets in February!"

Some people are just not meant to be husbands/wives. I understand that congresspeople are still pressured to put on a show about having a traditional marriage but I wish more congresspeople would be brave enough to say from the start, "Yeah. I'm just going to stay single and fuck around with different people. But I'll

I love how it's always the ex-wife's fault after the man is done burning his life to the ground.

Ya this all sounds very contrived. He loves his kids so much that he is going to leave the love of his life just to maintain a relationship with them, but not quite enough to refrain from blaming their mother for his break-up in public.

I'm guessing girlfriend got bored with him and moved on. Real life removes the shine off the forbidden fruit. Now he is blaming his ex wife cause he is just a basic middle aged white man with nothing to offer.

I despise Mark Sanford in a way that is completely unhealthy. I can't say that I have ever disliked a stranger as much as I dislike him. He cannot stop doing things to try and humiliate his ex-wife. Now she's the reason why he can't marry his mistress? What a load of crap! He torpedoed his marriage and blamed it

Raise your hand if you think he left his mistress/soul mate for another mistress/soul mate.


Living in rural MS, essentially the only way to get an abortion here is to drive to Memphis or Jackson. They are THIS close to closing the clinic in Jackson. I have no idea what will happen if women here don't have Memphis as an option. Depending on location, the next closest clinic is at least 4 hours (one way)

Or just like fuck off and stop trying to force your views on other people?