
So he thinks that female legislators who work after they have had babies are sinners BUT he wants more people on the Hill like Bachman. Hmmm. And she are her husband also ran a “treatment center” for girls and received state funding for it. That smells like “Communism” to me.

Her left boob is exposed save for the pasty. Why would an homage be on the boob that is covered?

How that is supposed to sell clothes somebody with a better understanding of fashion will have to explain in the comments.

So I am trying to figure out from this article if I am supposed to be appalled along with the US Weekly staff or applauding the “boy king” on his heart-felt email to the staff.

Yup. I have to say we have put a temporary halt on any vacation travel to the US for the foreseeable future. As one couple, it would have a negligible effect for the US economy but for us it is the principle.

Not if suits their own narrative.

What is scarier, Trump now or Pence if the orange turd gets impeached?

OMG, I am such an idiot.

There’s some weird superstitions among opera singers.

And yet only one PoC.

It won’t expire. Just remember, Portugal was a superpower once.

I say we go even further back in history. When Christians were fed to the lions for sport.

I like the way you think!

I think it’s more about ratings for the show than her “process(ing) her feelings however she wants”.

This is an example of what happens when you’ve had your lips lodged on someone’s ass for a long period of time. It rejuvenates the skin.

Aborted fetus au gratin?

Oh yes he did. These types thrive on power.

You have got to stop applying logic to these things. If Trump says he’s hired the best people then he’s hired the best people! Enough already!


Would that mean Conway and DeVos would have to resign?