Hagrid's Hairy Hamroll

YES. I have one. Am similarly aged. Best thing ever. Fits all the criteria perfectly. I even have a large dog and he likes it. So not painfully small like an old Mini.

This is the correct take. Praise be.

Tom has the best idea overall, but might I suggest:

Plus you always have a fallback of a job delivering mail!

Yes, yes it is. However, this would have to be reserved for the deepest reaches of the corners of the basement of my house. Marriage.

I thought Nissan had the best website?

You’re doing it right.

Agreed. As that was the most obvious shot in the movie, I thought they did a pretty bad job of it. However after watching the video above I realize they did an incredible job as I had no idea they had to resort to this in many more scenes that I hadn’t even noticed.

I think it could tell she was a cyclist, rather than a human pedestrian, and knew what needed to be done.

It’s really easy for a person to recognize what is happening in front of them.

Yes, those’d count, though I guess that gets into tricky territory. Given enough money, I’m sure there’ll be a shop somewhere that will make whatever ‘20s Bugatti you want from scratch.


This has to be the work of University of Toronto Engineering Students.

I had a Falcon XR6 Turbo ute for a while (Australia) and one time a combination of wet road, shitty tyres, cruise control, and a gentle bend right when the cruise control was gently accelerating again sent me into a series of drawn out slides across the highway. I managed to hold it all together but then found

There are a lot of CC related ones like don’t use it in the rain and turns. Most of these had to do with older vacuum based CC systems. A modern system with ABS and traction control doesn’t care what the weather is like.

There’s some logic to that “let go of the wheel bit”. I’ve seen a couple people autocrossing actually damage their cars by going so far off course when they lost control. You could see them working the wheel, trying to be a hero and make the save. Just kept making it worse. Hands off, brake and clutch in, stop much

My uncle used to rip the parking brake when taking corners to teach me how to control a car in “emergency” situations.

The photo posted is post hoonigan jump.....wink wink, nudge nudge.

Luckily Ford is keeping the Mustang, so I can continue my Hate...