Hagrid's Hairy Hamroll

Car designers need to take us bottom scraping fifteenth owners more seriously.

The issue that most people have with stick driving is shifting into first gear. The rest is easier, but first gear takes a bit of practice and when you mess up the car makes a lot of unpleasant noise which kinda makes you not want to keep going lol

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Nah, I don’t mind those. They appeal to the “forever car” market, which is rarely marketed too (after all, you can’t make money off of somebody that keeps the same car for 20+ years). Some of these, especially the MX-5 one, make me want to buy the car.

240's get ruined regardless.

And. CRX is absolute shit in the snow! Even with snow tires.

Yeah, I’m shocked we made it out of our teens, but even more shocked our parents did.

Shit like this makes me wonder how any of us made it out of our teens

Same here.

There’s an old joke where a guy in a bar asks where another guy is from. Buddy says, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan! First guys friend says “where’s he from?”, first guy says “I don’t know, he doesn’t speak English”.

I went to a casino in Biloxi, MS with some buddies and had multiple people called in to check our drivers licenses. They were convinced my friend from Alberta had a fake ID and I’m sure they thought mine was fake but didn’t want the embarrassment of mispronouncing Saskatchewan.

Hey, I’m from Schenectady, NY, so I’ve been there. Well, not to Saskatoon, but you feel me...

Yeah, Saskatoon really is a ridiculous name for a city...

God, I love prairie folk.

It is still a pushrod engine, you didn’t specify whether or not it couldn’t be a race motor. But since we are on the HP/L thing let’s talk about Top Fuel engines for a second......................... :P

I really miss our old idiot. The new one suuuuucks

And if the engine’s blown, that’s just a perfect opportunity to do a swap, which are getting cheaper with a lot more engine choices available.

I keep mine in the trunk secured by mesh netting. It’s only about a foot tall though so a fire that has already grown won’t be too affected, but it would probably be enough to keep it from spreading from the car. I have insurance and the car can be replaced, but I’d rather not start a forest fire.

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It’s weird with no noise. Maybe Porsche could make some factory whistle tips as a $5,000 option.

Is it a Crossover?

My point is Ken over looked this magnificent beast...