How E Hard

My point is this article, and the comments on my previous post, are proving her point. You are nitpicking not even a handful of Speilberg movies, especially not his most known, where a woman was nothing more than a damsel in distress. Yes, I'll give you Whoopi, but how many movies has this man made where women are

Lead? In the Harrison Ford, Roy Scheolider way? Or lead as in most screen time? I remember when it came out and both Danny Glover and Oprah got higher billing.

Thanks for mansplaining how wrong she is by citing 2 movies nobody saw and Whoopi was not in a leading role. She just stole the movie. Plus how much horrible shit does a woman have to go through in a Spielberg movie before she can be even considered as a lead?

They were bounced from Cave In Rock because their checks bounced. Same thing happened at Lake of the Ozarks a few months ago.