Look I'm Woody! Howdy, Howdy, Howdy!

no, this is hilarious.  i understand panicking in the moment, and not knowing what to do, but to actually just stand there, look into a camera and repeatedly say “guys i dont know what to do!” fuck man, that’s hilarious

From the look of the space, most likely she lives in an apartment and was just screaming down the hall.

Who was she screaming for help from? Were their other people there off camera or was she asking twitch chat what she should do to put out the fire? I can’t believe nobody there thought to type COVER IT.

Scary for sure though.  

If people plan to cook in the kitchen, they should at least know how to put out a fire. They taught kids about this at the middle school I attended.

A lot of your ‘easy’ refutations don’t hold up, and some of it you’ve just made up.

Ubisoft and Activision thought they could compete with Steam and take a larger cut of the profits. Also, PC gaming accounts for a VERY small percent of their income, consoles make way more.

This is satire right? 

Not an Elon fan by any means, but these articles are just getting really cringy to the point where it seems they’re written by a group of teenagers.

I understand that hating on Musk is trendy right now... but this is very similar to my build and this article is kind of reaching.

Wolfire really wants to die on this sword, huh? Alrighty. Let’s do this!

I don’t see this actually going anywhere. But letting the case go forward is still a good way to get a peak at the inner workings. Like how the Epic vs Apple case shined a light on all the goingons of the gaming mobile platform.

I mean, yes? That IS kind of the point of Antitrust laws.

When a single company gets so powerful that they more or less dominate the market they are in, that tends to cause bad things both for the suppliers they work with and the consumers that purchase from them.

The argument from Wolfire isn’t entirely without

“I believe this makes most developers afraid that if they don’t sell on Steam, they will lose the majority of their revenue. To those developers, avoiding Steam would add unacceptable risk to the already high risk of game development in general. I believe that most developers have little or no choice but to sell

I can critice this guy for everything, but Play Whatever Way You Want. Have fun mr. Elon.

my 6 slots are always full, i run a faith build with 20/20 for STR/DEX to maximize my options without dedicating my DPS on one weapon type

The most important thing to remember about Elon Musk’s Eldenring build is that he’s a libertarian asshole who demeans and abuses his employees while taking all the credit for their hard work, coasting through things thanks to an army of idolating idiots who think success can only come from brilliance and not through

$2 million in stock is meaning less since it is monopoly money until it is actually sold.

On the upside, it assumes the stock is worth anything. 

Of course.  They will avoid paying any income tax and maybe just have to deal with the much lower capital gains tax instead.  There is probably a way for them to dodge the other payroll related taxes as well.

The whole “executive team is forgoing salaries” is a bit of a smoke screen. The CEO makes $400,000 year in salary but over $2,000,000 in stock.