Based on what? Mechanics taken from and done better in countless other games? Wonky combat? Glitchy, platform-ish segments?
Based on what? Mechanics taken from and done better in countless other games? Wonky combat? Glitchy, platform-ish segments?
While it’s certainly one of the best marvel games, it’s only average compared to games in general.
No, I’m talking about the Kyoto Goodwill Event Arc. And it was hardly egregious, but it was there. I'd much rather move the actual plot forward.
Bleh, I think My Hero killed my interest in tournament arcs. And Jujutsu Kaisen basically had one already which is even more frustrating. Not thrilled to hear this.
Wow square enix, such edge, much controversy
Yah, open world game by Ubisoft? This ain't gonna be anything new. Even the much lauded Immortals: fenyx rising was a few mechanics shy of just being another assassin's creed game.
Massive user-base.
The combat isn't even all that great. I don't know why anyone would want to play an online shooter based on this over practically anything out there already
Hey! Another person who faced the same problem I did with undertale! I never beat the game either because I got stuck on a boss fight on a pacifist run and was told the only way to play the game was pacifist. So I just never beat the game.
It's tough lately too. I've been really struggling to play action rpgs after Zelda and Genshin did the genre sooo well. Everything else feels like shit in comparison.
Yup, 1100 people and this is the content we get? Usually I side with the underdog, but at this point, it seems like the underdog screwed the pooch.
I sunk about five hours into this because it’s on GamePass, but I don’t think I’ll go back to it. I think I like my tactics games to include an element of moment -to-moment strategy and this feels more like a puzzle game in a turn-based strategy guise. The tight turn limits and combo mechanics make it feel like…
They probably considered the ten or so people who bought the content, realized it wasn't enough to support a class action suit and shrugged.
Contracts don't make them immune to legal action. It just makes things more complicated
Yeah, Netflix probably considered encouraging contestants to bang would only add to the awful drama
The soundtrack is the only good thing about sable, unfortunately. The controls are clunky, something about the camera angle had me suffering from motion sickness after 10 minutes, and the writing is mediocre.
Seriously. It was only a few years ago that we made the switch to shuting down anyone who even implied that a game character was sexually attractive on Kotaku (after decades of games using half naked women to boost sales). Now the writers themselves are fecklessly frothing at the mouth for them. It’s pathetic.
Right? I think they all agree on when the bomb fell maybe? There's barely any shared "canon" in the fallout universe beyond the setting
The second one looks pretty damn cool thanks to the contrast between the Pokemon and the crystals surrounding it. The one at the top of that article looks like ass because it lacks that contrast (and also what the fuck is up with his arms?)
Owlboy has been out for ages. It's alright.