Ratchet and clank games are ridiculously fun
Ratchet and clank games are ridiculously fun
I don’t believe we’re being visited by ufos. I don’t even necessarily believe that there is other intelligent life in the universe (thanks to the fermi paradox). But there are certainly things we don’t fully understand about physics and there is some possibility that what we believe are the limits of what physics…
Nothing lasts forever and a ship is going to last far less time than most monuments that humans try pointlessly to preserve.
Wouldn’t that mean it still makes more sense to build a new one than repair it since repairs still aren’t going to leave it in like-new condition?
God, an ad that takes forever to load every paragraph on mobile. This site is a mess without ad block. This is worse than your typical blogspam site. Been a reader for years, but it might be time to move on
This bubble has burst, but there will be another. There are always more suckers.
One of my favorites from dontnod. I also appreciated the length. Just get in there, tell a story and get out. Very little filler. The premise had me concerned that it would stumble into the territory of Saturday morning special levels of cringe wokeness, but it never comes close. A good story about interesting people…
Get something like these: https://www.amazon.com/Toggle-Switch-Protects-Circuits-Accidentally/dp/B07JZWYNDM
Take a few seconds to install and they block the switch from being flipped entirely.
They'll still kill it in a year or two.
The ps plus button is essentially an useless ad for the subscription. I believe you have to just go to the page for each game on the app.
You a dude? Women tend to respond that way to random dudes approaching them in public regardless of skin color. Since, you know, men are assholes.
To be fair, the controller just didn’t work all that well. Most games that make sense with a controller support a controller and the steam controller was a poor replacement for two joysticks in that case. Other games were playable, but only awkwardly with the steam controller and I ultimately went back to keyboard and…
I’ve got a 2018 and average 32 highway. Not sure about city. I think something was wrong with his.
I have a carecredit card I haven’t used in at least 8 years. It’s still active. I don’t think they enforce the once a year requirement.
I have nothing against sending nudes, but there are too many reasons not to. Not only are you putting trust into your current partner to do the right thing with them and not turn out to be a giant asshole when the relationship is over (and you can’t be sure until it’s already too late, no matter how great they seem at…
While I agree with you. This is not consistent across the many schools of feminist thought. Most modern forms of feminism would absolutely agree with you
And Prince just jammed something hard in a pillow to hurt her hit her once with it and then they moved on with their evening? It wasn’t say... A zipper or something. A lot of this doesn’t add up. Was he angry? Why would he hide it in a pillow?
Sounds like you’ve created your own weird hybrid of sex positivity and outdated cultural norms. Talking about consensual sex is good.
Lol, you're ridiculous
That doesn’t negate the content of the headline, which is what RTLewis was addressing.