
Awesome. I’ve been waiting for something to fall asleep to, wake up the next morning and try to find where I dozed off, then giving up and waiting until the next seasons teaser trailer so I can complain.

Reality is that Europe in the Middle Ages wasn’t particularly diverse. It’s far more reflective of historical record and reality for a show depicting courtly life in 10th century England to have an entirely white cast than it would be to, say, rewrite characters who were truly white as people of color, in the way that

“...sign my ‘entitled fan-babies should shut the fuck up and make their own art’ petition

Good thing that’s not the “argument” I was making. If you understood the context of my original comment you’d realize that I was referring to the fan petition demanding that they remake season 8.

LOL. The other day I saw a post somewhere about someone taking about how bad TLJ was and how the Disney era was such a drop in quality from the “great” prequels. Millennials man!

Oddly Alan Arkin claims he never saw the finished movie, and was surprised when he later found that it had such a hostile reception.

Damn fucking right. This is as bad as the TLJ complaints. Or maybe worse...I guess that’s up to the internet to decide.

I think of Dunbar when I’m stuck in a maddeningly boring class/meeting/waiting room.

Yeah, no fucking shit. So if anybody would like to sign my “entitled fan-babies should shut the fuck up and make their own art” petition that would be great.

If you boiled the fan theories down to their bare essence you’d get an endless recursion of Bran warging into Arya who’s wearing Bran’s face.

I don’t get the vociferous bitching, seemingly more prevalent over on the “Experts” thread. The episode is made to be seen (from now on until the end of time) as part of a binge. Why did so many main characters live? Because they’re the main characters... or why else would we have been following them all this time?

Why turkey chili? I think that shit is gross.

“turkey chili”

“... and all the whores and politicians will look up and shout: ‘Save us!’. And I’ll look down and whisper: ‘Not great, Bob.”

I know it’s your job to make snarky jokes aimed mostly at low-hanging fruit, and Maher qualifies as such around here since he says unapproved things about Islam and makes racially questionable jokes. Nonetheless - if you want to know why he interviewed Ken Bone, you only have to listen to the interview.