Howard Matalon

I don't think that is how it goes down. What I believe happens is that Barry for some reason goes back in time from the future to try to stop Wells from killing his mother. The way Barry becomes the Flash is exactly the way it happens. There has never been another way and I don't think the writers want to go down

I think there are a great number of questions that make no sense here right now.
1. Wells apparently needed Barry to develop speed to the point where he could break the time barrier. Why? And if so, why would he try to kill Barry when he was a kid, since No Barry = No Barry Accident = No Reverse Flash (unless Wells

I doubt that is all there is to it. In fact, the Flash previews for the season hint that Eddie is going to go down a very dark path soon related to the whole Iris-Barry thing.

Let us hope the writers don't insult us with time travel reversal of just about everything that happened in the last 10-15 minutes. They deliberately reset to before just about anything of consequence happened (and no I don't believe the ridiculous relationship crap is of consequence).