Me too. I’ve been fat. I’ve been thin. I’ve been somewhere in the middle. Still me.
Me too. I’ve been fat. I’ve been thin. I’ve been somewhere in the middle. Still me.
The dead end was frustrating, because, as a fat feminist, I was hungry to find out who the original poster could be so I could then eat them.
I don’t want this to come across as pedantic, but what makes the situation at Rikers so depressing is that it’s not a prison. Nobody is there because they were sentenced there. It’s a jail for people who are awaiting trial, most of whom were given a bail number that’s simply too high for them to post.
We are not talking about male veterans right now. This is a space that women have carved out for ourselves. You can go literally anywhere else and hear the needs and concerns of cis men discussed and validated. Your assertion that systematically sexually victimized & traumatized women are somehow privileged for…
This is too sudden to feel authentic. It feels like when a hotel throws in a too-ripe fruit basket and some stale chocolates because a worker barged into your hotel room accidentally at 5 am and saw you naked(true story). It’s too little, too late. Even many liberal Japanese people believe that this is all a made-up…
That first sentence is a mess! They were not forced to work as sex slaves at the end of World War II- they were forced to work as sex slaves for over a decade before and during World War II (1932-1945). The verbs are all in the wrong tense and “for the Japanese military” just hangs off the end and is repetitive. It’s…
Kristen is a psychotic SERVER (SURver?) not a psychotic bartender~
I dunno. Having read the article that’s a tough one. Kind of a boy who cried wolf scenario:
Is it too much to ask him to put his talents to better use?
I was really disappointed and actually stopped reading about 2/3 in.
Yeah, I was really disappointed with how much her answer to so many conflicts was basically “I don’t mind having a ton of cognitive dissonance, and neither should you.” That’s awesome for her, but not at all a solution to any problem.
Good heavens no, Lindy wouldnt have been so open about the flaws here. Most of the stuff she wrote was binary, black/white views
Most of the celeb tabloid stuff is crap anyhow. Wow, JLAW is awkward and goofy and JUST LIKE US!
Jezebel is half white women feminism, a quarter snarky shade and rest is some sort of chimera-mess about celebs and fashion.
There’s a lot here to unpack, but first question now . . .
This, for me, is the problem.
I am still appalled at Kara Brown basically forgiving Minaj in the comment section of that article. I guess it’s okay to take money from a family (it’s basically not a government) that turns a blind eye to rape, domestic violence, HIV discrimination, the killing of gay’s, it goes on.....As long as its in the name of…
Jez definitely has their scared cows that are off limits. Minaj and the painfully unfunny Amy Schumer immediately come to mind.
The avowal of something does not instantiate it. Is that as obvious as I think? Fervent support for a political position does not automatically translate into any meaningful gains. The failure of the feminist offense factory to result in much else other than better TV and extremely woke 12-year-olds should be…
Jezebel is nothing if not hypocritical.
Not that it matters, because I’m not your target demo, but I don’t mind the offense heavy nature of the sausage making here. What bugs me is when it appears inconsistent.