No chance!
No chance!
Sorry, I meant to say “elder brothers” ... but I always forget about Eric.
It would be better if Barron could live in confinement, be tortured daily with parental tweets, texts and twerps ... grow sullen, resentful and bitter ... and then somehow get “woke” and reveal all ... while surreptitiously taking over the (fake?) family fortune while his elder brother, sister and brother-in-law are…
Also cockroaches and President Trump’s hairpiece.
Sorry for doing a Brett Kavanaugh here, but since this site doesn’t allow for edits, I’d better mention that I meant to say: “As far as I recall, SHE never claimed to be culturally
As far as I recall, he never claimed to be culturally or socially “indigenous,” nor did she try to parlay the “one-drop” criterion into any sort of advantage. (Her academic appointments were all as a white “woman” (which is hard enough.)
I’m glad none of the puritan patriots is British.
I am grateful to Senator Collins for making clear that the idea of a “moderate Republican” is now officially dead (Alaska Senator Murkowski to the contrary notwithstanding).
Mazie Hirono is right: “this is what he does.” It is also who he is. And, in the event that the Democrats take the House by a decent margin and especially on the off-chance that they take the Senate (if only by a seat or two), he will do and say immeasurably worse.
Mazie Hirono is right: “this is what he does.” It is also who he is. And, in the event that the Democrats take the House by a decent margin and especially on the off-chance that they take the Senate (if only by a seat or two), he will do and say immeasurably worse.
Whatever the intent, it obviously didn’t work as they wanted, since the lizardly Senator from South Carolina took over from her and the rest of the GOP crowd followed suit. It seems her trip from Arpaio country was a supreme (so to speak) waste of time.
It’s been almost 30 years since Clarence Thomas joined the US Supreme Court.
Between Sheldon (young and old), Dr. Frankenstein, Dr. Jekyll, the “Nutty Professor” (either Jerry Lewis, 1963 or Eddie Murphy, 1996 version), the hapless Science Professor Thayer in the 1960 film “High Time,” or any one of any number of horror/comedy pop culture monstrosities, I can’t help but think that such…
Jian Ghomeshi was acquitted in a high profile trial. True, he had an awesome lawyer in Marie Henein, who successfully tore the Crown’s case to shreds, Ms. Henein (whose feminist credentials are impeccable - if that matters) was excoriated for taking Mr. Ghomeshi’s case (as though not everyone is permitted a fair…
“In conclusion, the Statue of Liberty climb was terrifying and alarming and it is comforting to know that the action will be brought to justice.”
Don’t you get it?
How long?
Well, now that Elon Musk, Republicans and Campaign Finance are no longer being discussed in response to a story about Elon Musk, Republicans and Campaign Finance, I have only one question: “In light of the fact that Elon Musk is enormously wealthy, why is anyone surprised that he donates money to the Republicans. (It…
Good grief!
The more I mention this possibility, the more people tell me I might be right ...