Howard Blair

I have to say knowing they’re sticking with her being dead kinda kills my enthusiasm for this. I know a lot of people complain, but what I like about my silly-ass sciencefictionfanstasywhatever is that you can bring heroes back from the dead. I can get depressing “real” death everyday for free. Gimme a universe where

Potassium hydroxide is a base, not an acid.

Apple can maintain its App Store, and it should perhaps lock down everything by default, but they should allow users to disable it and install third-party software if they so choose, just like a computer. Creating a functional monopoly is both anti-competitive and anti-consumer.

But I guess that’s not an allowed opinion any more.” - real words from an adult human who’s angry about a kids’ movie

Her name is Linda. She works at the brokerage firm next to the Orange Fitness down on HWY 71. She’s only 22, and that’s way too young for you, okay?

Abortion Is Still Legal in All 50 States

Google recognizes tracking numbers. 

Army of Duckness?

If a person were in the projection booth, they’d have noticed the mistake earlier.

To me, her use of the qualifier “and will never be” suggests she didn’t just mean “short-term.”

So I’m guessing you don’t eat meat or wear leather if you think killing is so completely wrong?

Also, at that stage of development, the zygote/blastocyst can’t live independently of the womb, so it’s not anything yet.

What you really want to kill is a woman’s ability to make choices regarding her life and her body.  

What a bizarrely misogynistic reaction. And it’s “decent,” not “descent,” moron.

LOL, you don’t give a shit about the kids after their born. You just can’t stand that a woman had sex that wasn’t married and you think that needs to be punished. To you, children aren’t a miracle but a punishment.

Moron, PAM is not a need is just another option to grease a pan, no one is claiming you must use it, you don’t like it don’t use it is that easy.

“Endgame in general felt to fan-servicey and meta for me.”

I can only assume he’s reversing the polaroty of the neutron flow. 

It is overly complicated, but as far as I’m concerned this is the one device that I want to be not easy to use.

There is nothing in the goddamned world like the absolute fragility of folks who occupy majority (race/ethnicity/sex/sexual orientation/religious affiliation) status feeling like they might have to share the pie they’ve previously had 99% of.

Think about this for just a moment: Every time someone screams about “SJWs,”

I disagree completely, the del toro films are good fun movies that still hold up on repeat viewings. the new Hellboy though is like watching a best of montage on youtube of three movies that someone tried to piece together as a single movie.

I think you just came up with the only idea worse than just making her a Skywalker. :)