Howard Blair

I know you're being sarcastic but I'm fucking ecstatic we have capitalism. a world where people are literally forced to never rise above their station or be ambitious is fucking nightmarish.

I don't think that was a gay bar, pretty sure it was a just biker bar.

Not just any other guy. Harry Dean Stanton!

The Myrka was a worse costume.

I'll see your "Swarm", and raise you an "Ark in Space":

Now playing

and lets not forget that without Parallel Universe, we don't get tongue tied...

Fox keeps screwing up Fantastic Four because they heard someone say " No one can mess up a comic book movie like WB" and they took it as a challenge

An old rule of thumb: Pronounce the letter "G" as a "J" sound if the "G" is followed by the letters "E", "I", or "Y". Giraffe. Gym. Gin. Gem.

I liked Michael Clarke Duncan as the Kingpin of Crime in this one. I like the transition from a menacing, large and in charge boss guy to "guy you'd be an idiot to f**k with."

Hells yes. And it is still better than the Nolan movies.

The Avengers

Email me because I know a great orthopedics guy who can help you fix your knee after you jerked it so hard.

Actually, there was no design nor construction of this computer in any garage. It was designed and built in my HP cubicle at night and in my Cupertino apartment. The designs were passed out freely with no copyright notice so that others could build a useful computer at low cost. Others even had hand-built versions of

But... Ultron makes Vision.

IIRC they did the same thing in the Ultimates.

I thought Ultron made him?
Robots have no time for colour vision.