Howard Blair

#corrections? seriously?

Yeah, that's the problem with free. You get what you pay for, unfortunately :-/ Personally, I think $7 a month (or $3 a month if you pay for a year) is really reasonable compared to what you get for it.

Most DNA is not junk DNA, that is a myth.

How about the Omni from Voyagers?

Recent updates of MSE are absolutely Teeeerrrrrrrrrrrrribleeeee.

It take your comment as completely serious because you have an South Park character for your avatar.

The mindclone will be a disappointment. TNG already proved that when LaForge met the real Dr. Leah Brahms. :)

Timestamp says you posted five minutes after. I also added the edit not even a minute after I made the initial post, as I saw the link when i looked back up at the article. I suppose it could have taken some time to register it though, either way, arguing about this is pointless.

In uding it now, its realy gopd. O wull rwcimend it to everuone

Cremation never sounded so good.

and this is how our society falls. complacency with things that we should never be complacent about.

The answer to that isn't to go dark. It's to scream long and loud and let them sort the lambs and the wolves the old fashioned way. Think of all the people talking about Payday 2 in e-mails and texts and comments regarding things like robbing banks and stealing drug money,

Guh. Sorry, brain fart. Deadpool on the brain. Will fix!

Unless the remote that came with my TV breaks or goes missing forever, I see no reason to buy a universal remote. And even then my TV is programmed into my cable remote.

It doesn't look sexy at all. In fact, I'd go so far as to say that it is overwhelmingly bland. Which isn't a bad thing, really. At least it will stack decently with other hardware (assuming proper ventilation).

For christ's sake. This is incredibly unsafe.

Apple folks cream themselves over cheap phones, Android folks cream ourselves over expensive phones. Funny.