Didn’t Thanos’ finger-snap destroy the gauntlet and the stones?
Didn’t Thanos’ finger-snap destroy the gauntlet and the stones?
“...other beings out there who might be able to the same....”
Not sure how being a racist has anything to do with someone’s taste in pizza...but I appreciate knowing it, and your publicly shaming said racist.
Funny, I’ve recently read a few articles raving about Costco’s pizza (and the robot they use to make them). :)
Or just buy the WalMart $5.00 pizza from the heater. LOL.
It would take quite a while to do 15 minuets...
“...on Legends of Tomorrows...”
Progenitors, shown in one awful episode.
Came here to post this, beat me to it (b/c the comments wouldn’t load. :( )
“...few modern games has...” Have. Subject must agree with verb!
The TARDIS has two doors; usually, only the right one opens, for some reason.
Hey, at least it’s not his daughter...
“...bar scene on Nowhere.”
“...and how much its worth...”
“...a denizen of the Dark Lord...”
USB 2.0 has a maximum speed of 480 megabits per second (capital B is bytes, which is 8 bits = 1 byte). Therefore, the theoretical maximum speed of USB 2.0 is 60MBps...not including anything else that may be on that USB bus, such as another flash drive or hard drive, keyboard, mouse...and the actual maximum speed of…
Funny, because the fastest speeds in the USA are about 1gbps, unless you’re on LTE, which is (max) 10gbps. Are you sure you didn’t mean “20mbps - 50mbps,” which is entirely more likely?
“...in their 50-plus year together.” Whoops.