Wrong question. Ask that about Woody Allen. Stone should have gone low budget and low tech and shot in full height 16:9 or 1:85.1 not stupid scope. He should have done it a natural style like a LENNY or ALL THE PRESIDENT'S MEN.
Wrong question. Ask that about Woody Allen. Stone should have gone low budget and low tech and shot in full height 16:9 or 1:85.1 not stupid scope. He should have done it a natural style like a LENNY or ALL THE PRESIDENT'S MEN.
No it isn't a half baked rip-off movie that covers up the real truth Stone admits he was still in denial even then.
BOLLOCKS !! It was the Mafia aided by the Bush family in Texas. Bottom line who gives a fuck JFK was the W of his time!
Fuck The Sopranos give me Buffy and Angel anyday !
He was and remains a grossly over-rated cult. He is typical of the illusion of a presumed politically liberal director that barely if at all ever was. Take MASH for example the cowardice of setting it in Korea not Vietnam without any real insight into either American invasions. On the DVD commentary he said he was…