
That was a good darn review, but I fear alzheimers is over taking me. The film was better than a lot of holly wood films, but incredibly shallow. What an excellent film for the Trump era. I just hope when I move into the nursing home, that they’l l pump in the sequels.

This film reminds me of how I felt as a child when my mom brought to the newly opened Disneyland in the 50's. I just didn’ want to leave. I’m looking forward to the sequels. Sorry that I wouldn’t see Carry Fisher again. I hope to see Harrison Ford in the sequels.

Don’t victim blame! That soldier had guts to fight for his freedom. Patric Henry said “Give me freedom, or give me death!” All our disapproval should be focused on Kim Jung Un and his cruel regime.

What about the giant water bug (aka “the toe biter”)?

Teachers with this much pent-up rage shouldn’t be teaching until they get therapy. We need a kinder, gentler America.

Maybe it’s someone impersonating Scaramucci (let’s hope).

No matter what the content of what you are saying, the hate with which you are saying it is the real problem.

Hillary lost first and for most because Bernie constantly attacked her by demanding that she release what she said privately to the people who gave her large sums of money for her speeches. Her response on the debate stage was to not answer and shrug off the question. She also used this tactic in the debate with