
What a terrible interviewer. You’re not there to insert your unsolicited, close-minded opinion, Wendy. You’re there to let your guest showcase their work. “I don’t need to see that.” UGH, so don’t look! And don’t lecture her! Have some fucking couth.

Rose McGowan was in the wrong there.

She has a point. There is a tendency to go after the wife or partner of an abusive man as if she failed in her duty of policing his behaviour. She didn’t abuse anyone. She almost definitely went into marriage pragmatically instead of because she fell in love, but that was her choice. For all we know she was one of his

If anybody think this is the wackiest thing in the Pentagon’s Black Budget, they’ve got another think coming. The Navy is still training marine mammals as soldiers/divers/saboteurs at a secret facility in San Diego.

Now playing

Alyssa Milano schooling Wendy Williams on breastfeeding:

Love both of these responses but especially Alissa Milano’s.

In a greater sense you were absolutely correct. December has the prefix for ten since, at one time, it was the tenth month, and October the eighth.

Please for the love of god stop posting links to Perez Hilton. He is vile.

Maybe the big brother/big sisters program?

I really don’t have anything substantial to add, but I will agree with your son that “hooligan” is very fun to say.

Your story reminds me that I need to do better as a parent, a few weeks ago we went to an outdoor Hispanic market, I’m Hispanic... Mayan to be more accurate, my husband is white and we have a daughter. My daughter happens to be white, while browsing in the market many vendors gave my kid free stuff because “she is so

I think it is vital that we teach our children how to use social media responsibly. My daughter is turning 13 and we get on social media together so I can teach her about what kinds of things are appropriate to do and say, and how to react to what others do and say (generally not reacting at all if it is something

Keep them off social media until they’re 30.

There’s something...not right about this. (Other than the totally obvious black-sludge-out-of-a-drinking-fountain bit, I mean.)

Yep, it’s tough. My family is black, but live in a different part of the country. My husband’s family is small, very elderly, and sick. So, the kids don’t have high quality relationships with them. In the past few months, we have seriously considered moving to be closer to my family where the kids will have plenty of

At least you recognized that she was being treated differently for no real reason. You can advocate for her. You can educate others. You can tell this story.

I have always had this feeling about my kids (4 & 7). I’ve never known panic and fear like I have since having my oldest. That fear can be as deep as the love I have for him. I remember thinking that his existence was like having my heart outside of my body exposed for the world to act on it and I couldn’t protect it.

YES. I taught preschool; Parents and educators think that having a diverse classroom is all that’s necessary to promote inclusion. It’s not. Those children need to be represented in their classroom or shit like this happens. Books and toys are overwhelmingly white When my (white) child was given a little people

It’s not just white America that blatantly devalues little black girls. The black community is guilty of this as well. I grew up in a family and community that idealized girls who were born with light skin, keen features, and “good” hair.

Help your girls build confidence and self esteem. Also, learning to laugh got me through a lot.