
Seriously. On my way to work, I see 10 year olds with newer iPhones than I have. Why do children need iPhones? Ffs. The woman I sit beside at work has a shitty iPhone 4 that barely works, and yet for her 12 years old son’s birthday, she gave him an iPhone 7. WHAT?!

A few years ago standing in line for a Disneyland ride with my daughter, we saw a group of about 7 teenagers behind us. Every single one of them was staring at their phone, no talking, no laughing, just staring at the thing. It’s definitely an extremely addictive device. I know the smart phone is very useful but

SAME. I am not generally a country music fan, but I love her, and I love her work, and I am obsessed with her hair and makeup. So excited for this!

Mean and strict are underrated.

Love her.

Really? I’m a big fan of history myself and this attitude (I want to be friends with my kids, what if I ruin them by making them act like decent human beings, etc) is something I’ve never seen before. Any links please?

I don’t know, this made me realize that maybe the reason I don’t get sexually harassed as much anymore is because all the men in the world are staring at their phones instead of making passes at the me just because I’m nearby.

Not a parent but I’ve been wondering are ANY parents taking your stand on mobile phones?

I think the main part is they’re not exercising 

Everyone- Please be aware there is a troll impersonating me. This troll account is not me. Please just dismiss anything you see coming from dr. honkhonkhonk’s umgubular slashkilter because it is not me. Thanks guys.

If you are paying for their phone, you set the terms for that phone’s use. Until the child gets a job and starts paying for it themselves, you have full control of how and when it is used.

When I was in high school and young people first started getting cell phones they were banned all day at school. You could only take them out at the end of the day to call your parents to come pick you up if you stayed late or something. Of course, these were the days when most kids were using the pay phone at the

Yeah also, this thread seems in bad taste considering that Eric Bolling son’s suicide happened this year when that story broke

I call shenanigans. They’re in cahoots together to create social media drama and drive traffic.

I don’t get the hate either. The worst was when Sam Biddle would shit on it in the Gawker days. I love the Burn, it’s had a huge impact on my life, taught me a lot of skills I didn’t know I have (such as how to manage a camp of 40 people, coordinate camp construction, etc), and friendships that I’ll have for a

It is psychotic.

I’m fully convinced that:

Giada’s pretty up there on the cringe meter.

“We’re like we’re in a musical constantly and we just sing. We actually don’t talk to each other, we just sing like a musical and everything we sing is like ‘I love you,’ like it’s pretty much the whole time like how great we are.”

I agree. As much as I hate some aspects of people’s bad behavior there & some people not getting it, it’s still an extremely unique experience. Every year I go to challenge myself and I’ve grown in ways I couldn’t have anticipated as a result. It’s been insanely hard, but growing isnt always easy. Last year i went