
I don’t get the Jez hate for BM. It seems like most of the people who write about it have never been; the same with the comments. Perhaps my experience was out of the norm, but I’ve never experienced anything like BM before. I have never been surrounded by such love, kindness, and body-positivity. Perhaps I was lucky.

Oh I don’t think your opinion is as unpopular as you might believe. I think a lot of people feel the authentic hippy-ness of it has been replaced by yuppy-ness, although it sounds like even at it’s most authentic hippy-ness, it probably still would not have been my thing

This. I remember feeling terrible after I had a baby and Kate Middleton was everywhere. My doctor reassured me that celebrity women don’t eat or have enough resources to live a life that allows them to work out all the time and use professional nutritionists and chefs or some combination of the two. I should never

I’m assuming someone has called DCFS on that girl’s parents, right? If not, I can. Ew. Ew. Ew. Ew. I can’t bring myself to watch it, but I’m imagining at the end he was like, “Hey, look! I didn’t touch her once! I’m gonna wait until her mom says I can, just like I always done.”

I had the same issue/dilemma. My wife somehow got in touch with me when I was underground for a brief few seconds in the Bronx coming downtown on the 1. I realized I had pertinent information that other passengers did not, about an extremely frightening event. I just kept quiet and didn’t say anything; there is very


I’m sorry, but those words sound a little empty coming from a super model. I do think that she’s trying to be genuine, but I don’t really think that not taking her clothes off for an empty cause is really going to do much for anyone else. That’s fine. She should only do what she wants, but she thinks that is going to

And in that moment I realized that majority of woman probably wake up every morning trying to fit in a stereotype that society/socialmedia/fashion etc imposed

Was there a post about the power of 3 being broken? I may have missed it

I was on the A and at first it was “all A C and E trains will skip 42nd”.

Oh yeah okay let’s just walk down to Times Square, bypass the perimeter, first responders, NYPD, PAPD, and the FEDS and media, and snap a photo of the Port Authority Terminal.

We don’t know the motive yet, but an important thing to note: There is no religion that teaches hate. Islam IS peaceful, and those who think Allah wants them to kill are just blaspheming his name. If that was the motive, then the bomber is not a true Muslim.

Considering it’s 35 degrees in NYC, I doubt that top photo of people in shorts is related to this story.

The mass incarceration system is horrendous in big ways but it’s always the small ways that hit you emotionally.

I can’t even imagine what those women go through. To have what’s supposed to be a beautiful, special moment shadowed with someone else’s ugliness is just so wrong.

I wish it wasn’t so hard to find balance for people. Knowing exactly what was going to happen, with as many variables as possible, helped me and my husband get through a ton of labor at home and get to the hospital safely. There are *so fucking many* points that I would have freaked out if I hadn’t had the intense

Am I entitled to get drunk on wine tonight and assign my dude to all childcare duty?

Catalina has been doing great! We went for some checkups last week and all things considered she’s meeting milestones in acceptable times. We confirmed she has perfectly normal hearing, which is awesome, and now I know she just likes to ignore us!

A toast to the badass firefighters and first responders here in San Diego fighting our wildfire. Though we lost quite a few homes many more were saved because of them. One firefighter even dislocated his shoulder in a propane tank explosion, put it back in, and went back to work. So many of my friends were