
I can see that dress working with a black cummerbund type thing, worn a bit more high-waisted than that flimsy belt. Then it would be vaguely Asian and more architectural? But it just doesn’t work with a belt you’d wear with a sheath.

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We need to maintain course, whatever the partisans say. Everyone is worked up about Al Franken resigning, but it was the right thing. And you know what - I’d let 40 democratic senators resign if that’s what it took to rid congress of all the rapists in it’s midst. Well meaning folks want to play politics with women’s

To be fair all very religious women are viewed as oppressed simply because almost all religions are deeply paternalistic and oppressive. By and large, if you strictly follow your faith, you’re not progressive, and if you’re progressive you’re not very religious. You can try to be both but sooner or later your

let’s not beat around the bush. Islam, like all Abrahamic religions is a deeply patriarchial religion, for better or worse.

I don’t understand why women have to have reasons, or worse, GIVE reasons for why they wear things.

Exactly! Tell me again how knowing what you will be charged for a service is ‘good for the middle class’????

Except not ALL women choose to wear the hijab. My daughter’s best friends are prime example of this. Her one friend did choose to wear it, after her family went from moderate Muslims to very conservative Muslims. Her other friend has chosen not too to wear it, and her family supports that decision because they truly

That is the best reason to wear one I have ever heard. Not because your Elder told you to.

I’m ok with the general idea of being happy about all of this, whether it leads to lasting change or not. But this sweatshirt offends me. Is it too shallow? Too flippant?Rather than dissect it and my feelings about it I’ll just say this: it may be the genuine work of a short-sighted supporter but if it turns out it

Am I the only one getting strong troll vibes from this one?

Ah, Nike! On the vanguard of inclusive sporting business. Beaten by ... Barbie.

Many people may not know that items like this are also sold in boutiques for Orthodox Jewish women.

Hey, guess who I saw on TV today on a cable news network roundtable discussing that it’s about time we embrace women’s equality through actions and not just lip service.

Except in the case of Ibtihaj Muhammad it wasn’t really much of a choice. It certainly wasn’t her choice when she was young. I’m not sure what extent it’s her choice now considering the tremendous social forces put upon her to wear it. It’s never quite as simple as we like to pretend it is. Go read her story. You can

I know he’s a dick, but little things like this remind me that he’s SUCH A DICK.

Can I ask why it’s about the love of father/brother but not mother/sister?

I’m ambivalent about this. While I know some conservatives will use any ridiculous argument possible against us, including completely false claims, no matter what we do, I also cringe at the thought of giving them more ammunition. Also, there are a lot of otherwise reasonable, fairly intelligent men and women who

Exactly. These victims’ pain, families and relationships/friendships that were ruined, jobs that were lost (from shows being shut down, projects ending, etc) is nothing to be gleeful or boastful about. This is a extremely painful thing for many people directly and indirectly affected.