
Oh, one more thing I’d like to add. I read the picture message where the guy was like. “I understand this is my fault, etc, but I spent a lot of money on games, and just downloaded sun and moon cause (insert reasons) but I hope this is temporary and wish you all a good day.” I personally don’t think it should be

You just read their message wrong (I did the same thing oops). Poey Gordon wasn’t talking about pirating it themselves they were saying they went to the store BOUGHT a brand new 3DS only to have it broken because the REAL ASSHOLES (aka pirates) bought the 3DS prior did the data switch so their banned machine would be

Words cannot describe how stupid these people are. The game isn’t even OUT yet and they thought it was smart to start playing ONLINE ON NINTENTO’S SERVERS early without any kind of consequence? I’m really glad that the company made such a drastic decision and I hope it makes these morons think twice, but I doubt it