Caucuses With Trolls

Service animals and emotional support animals are not the same.

100% Team Maybe Don’t Commit Assault Because Someone Insulted You

Ok, let’s say he insulted her ten times. Still not acceptable or legal to punch him. She can leave, ask him to be removed, or insult him back. Those are all acceptable actions.

So you are fine with someone hitting you if they deem what you say to be offensive then right? What you are saying is it’s now ok to punch anyone who makes a remark you decide you don’t like. That is NEVER ok.

Fuck these assholes who think they can assault people and permanently damage them over words.

Because he’s been fighting it that entire time. He’s lost at every step along the way and has now run out of ways to challenge the decision.

Ragbir’s a convicted felon, which is one of the very few reasons a legal immigrant can have their status revoked. He fucked up and is paying the price.

I know right? Kicking a criminal out of your country is the EXACT same thing as murdering millions of people for the crime of existing!!!!! We need a new Nuremburg trial now!!!

To be fair, those 20,000 employed professionals pay taxes.

This, much like the bonuses and wage increases American employees are getting because of the tax cut bill, does not fit Splinter’s socialist agenda. So they get extra defensive with stuff like this because they know it makes their cause look stupid.

I ordered 9 things on amazon this weekend and i hope my city wins the amazon 2nd HQ. The biggest employer here pays no local property tax and was incentivized to build here. Then it brought 20k professional jobs to the area. This town has gone through a massive boom because of them and its a great city.

Products aren’t “Black” even if mostly black people use them. Most likely Walmart analyzed data to determine as narrowly as possible what products are stolen and require extra security, whether locking them in cases/containers, electromagnetic lanyards or tags, or escorting customers to the checkout. In the situation

Wait, I thought W was Hitler. Now Trump is Hitler. Oh and Reagan was also Hitler. Three Hitlers? Come on, lefties, you can do better.

Bush didn’t create ISIL though, ISIL formed while Clinton was president in 1999, and rose to prominence because of Obama’s mishandling of the Arab Spring and Syria. I’m not saying Obama created ISIL, nor that Clinton created them, but its unlikely Bush had anything to do with creating ISIL while he was just the

Yep, Hillary is the real victim here, totally.

why do u hate women!!

(while the question of Native American underrepresentation continues to be sidelined).

You “ethnic studies” people crack me up. It must be a full time job creating the illusion that yours is actually an academic discipline worthy of funding and office space, but I suppose the administrators at these schools are too spineless to demand any actual scholarly rigor from you. Better to have studied a

I also have a dumb question — what happened to “Hispanic?” That seemed more gender-neutral than Latino or Latina or even Latinx (which I’m not sure how to pronounce), but it seems to have fallen out of fashion?

I think you mean Latino.