Caucuses With Trolls

You are an idiot. I genuinely fear my generation will vote for full blown commie policies at some point. As a small government moderate, I’ve come to support universal basic income just to appease my whining peers and hopefully preserve some form of a capitalistic economy.

I like it, but I’m selfish

Latinx - Another reason why Democrats will lose in 2018

Beer accepted. I’ll be in Western New York, until I’m not.

Miracle of chance, not devine

Dude, if you believe in science, then you understand I, and we, are only here by chance. If you are an irrational, religious person, then you can assume your parents would still have fucked in a alternative universe (they wouldn’t have, as they too, wouldn’t have existed).

To be clear, having never existed is better than being alive? I respectfully disagree sweet prince.

Being alive is better than the alternative, but I guess that is a subjective statement

I don’t have the burden proof to disprove there is a parallel universe (or god, or spaghetti monsters). That burden, falls on you to prove.

I can definitely say without a doubt that all of our lives are infinitely better (than never existing) as a result of these historical events. You can hypothesize about the multiverse all you want, but you’re kidding yourself.

I think I’ll just let the mystery be

It’s a mind fuck knowing I (and we) have directly benefitted from all of histories atrocities. I wouldn’t change a thing...

Because there is no creator, so none of us would be alive today, had history not played out exactly as it had. I for one enjoy being alive and recognize the miracle of chance.

Because there is no creator, so none of us would be alive today, had history not played out exactly as it had. I for one enjoy being alive and recognize the miracle of chance.

Agreed, this is literally the definition of a starter job. It’s a waste of human potential for ANYONE to work a Taco Bell for ten years.

Well said. I’ve been with my beautiful wife and best friend for 13 years since prom. I feel for the singles.

Genuinely curious here. Are whites expected to not say “n***a” while rapping along to their favorite songs?

Typical Bernie bro

As a Republican, I fully endorse this move!

I don’t think the left understands how a democratic republic works.