@kschang: Thanks. I'll check it out.
@kschang: Thanks. I'll check it out.
I have multiple (non-push) emails set up and when Android reaches out to grab them, I get a notification for each email address that has a new email instead of just one notification that I have a new email.
@justinpe: Yup. Still haven't found the solution either.
@jdale: I didn't even think of that...
I, for one, fapplaud Playboy's attempts.
@Mike Zuniga : Bah, Humbug: Sorry, Mike. I've been using this for about a year to buy books from Amazon and strip the DRM so I can load them on my Sony Reader.
@guitarherozer0: Engines don't generate lift, they generate thrust. Wings generate lift.
Boeing really loves that Delta wing concept...
- Repeating tasks
Boobies, duckface, and taking a pic of himself taking his pic?
@OreoExplosion: JB and do it.
Space Fence: Necessary because illegal aliens come from all directions.
@VoltCruelerz: Doesn't matter, it still can't run Crys....
I can't wait to flash it to Cricket.
@S.A.Tan: Winner!!
@LightPress: Haven't gotten to the primary solution yet but I've been testing it off and on. Even used it in Europe on wifi.
@Arggh! there goes a...snake a snake!: + $67,000 S&H.
@DaveyNC: Same technique I use. Oddly enough, most habitually late people I know don't like waiting for others.
@lemke ☠☠☠: I'm glad you caveated that with "I'm a doctor and all" because otherwise, that's just weird.
@8thManOnTheMoon: It's not about us. It's about getting those millions of Baby Boomers, many who are just starting to embrace some of this tecnology we're using everyday, to come to the AAPL.