
@sound2man: My bad, I forget some of you aren't on the global standard. I suffer greatly with service in the US for great service everywhere else on the planet. :)

Receiving texts costs the same as it does in the US if you're international. Sending costs additional on top of whatever SMS plan you're using.

@Nick1693: If you continue to use logical thought processes and don't feed the rumor mill, you'll be thought of as "rational".

@zenneth: That depends. Do they receive federal subsidies? Are they lobbying to create a link-based fuel to further dilute gasoline?

@2 replies: Can also right click on the video and you'll get a choice to "copy video URL at current time"

@shhhGoToSleep: That hunk of crap in the pic is a prototype NVS for a flight helmet. Won't be walking anywhere with that on your head.

@sygyzy: I've been playing around with SIPGate for a while. Sometimes it gets a little flaky but for the most part, it's been rock solid.

@Antrikshy: You are correct. It was a joke.

Like others I use a common yahoo/hotmail for my online community stuff and a personal email address for personal stuff to keep everything separated.

The toilet's not something you enjoy? That's where I play Angry Birds!

@Rescue9: That's a nice setup. What theme/sb thingy is that?

@Settings: Do they think I'm gonna start taxiing a fighter jet in my back garden or something?

@tomatO_-: You, sir, are awesome.

@BritSwedeGuy: And they always will be until we get over our aversion to real intelligence gathering techniques.

@Se7en_speed: The more neutrons he absorbs, the less I have to worry about, right?

I just changed the SSID on mine to Stuxnet. Nobody bothers me anymore.

Which came first, Primal Blueprint or Tim Ferriss' barely tweaked version of Primal Blueprint?

I still just need it to sync directly with Outlook and then it's a win for me.

@vitorgatti: I'd be fine with drag and drop if creating playlists didn't require a PhD.