
@Tyrunn: Gizmodo's link is wrong too. It links to the STS on the pad awaiting launch.

@Tony Kaye: Not yet. Now I'm curious what I'm missing...

Cydia needs to do a little selflove before it goes running off in new directions.

@BlastThemFools: +1 for AnyCut. Has more setting available than LauncherPro.

@KillerKoala: Google Saudi counterterrorism minister. Already been attempted.

@Dynastius: I really didn't think it would provoke this much serious discussion. :)

"What if an astronaut gets bonked on the head, becomes untethered, and can't operate the jetpack?"

Do the guys in the ISS ever do the "pull away" as the guy outside reaches for the door handle? That would be awesome.

@bslayerw: Unless you have apps set to automatically update and the update is broken.

@GetOutOfBox: Where is Dr Evil's secret volcano lair?

Painter's tape? Whatever happened to using the paper grocery store bags to make book covers?

@Rojaws: That's not completely true because the "convoys" behind you may be travelling at a different speed.

The other planet littered with diamonds? Earth.

@bwj109_s: It's about definitions. Espionage is the act of an entity to obtain and/or use material to the detriment of the nation. It can be a US or non-US citizen (i.e., they're the laws that foreign spies are expelled or jailed on).

I haven't been around LH long but two posts sourcing Psychology Today have been the two worst Psychology Today articles I've seen.

You can also fatigue your eyes by staring at one color for a while then looking at a white surface where you'll see the same shape but in the opposing color.

The picture tells it all. The GOOG's Fanboi Army is growing powerful.

@Sadsaque: You'll feel differently about 9 weeks from now.