
It reminded me of my best friend who lost his dog not too long ago and I started to tear up.

I was stunned when Cora told Violet, "what makes you think I could ever trust you again?" Violet's reaction was priceless. I also was touched that she confessed to being very close and attatched to Isobel. I saw and felt a woman who would be lonely without her companion. If I were Tom, I would have cold cocked

I agree totally Bob. Thank you for the insight.

Thank you. The murderer is probably a rape victim that has not been introduced to us yet.

I was getting the impression that Mary was taking a shine to Atticus Aldridge and vice versa. I am glad that Edith finally has her baby. I loved Carson's subtle proposal to Mrs. Hughes. She looked like a blushing school girl. I still don't get Mr. Green's death. I thought the whole thing was an accident. I

Thank you.

Thank you very much. He is an excellent actor.

Did anyone else recognize Simon Bricker is played by the actor who played Bob Crachit on the Patrick Stewart version of "A Christmas Carol"? I genuinely felt sorry for Miss Bunting as she was leaving. I never cared for her but I felt for her loss. Poor Edith, I don't know what to think but she now has Violet and

That makes sense. Thanks.

Someone needs to seriously bitchslap Miss Bunting, perhaps Mary will. What's going on with Thomas?. Why is he hiding that magazine? What is that advertisement? Tony looks like a totally different man when he's mad. I wish Jimmy would come back and sweep Daisy off of her feet but I don't want her to leave Downton.

I'm thinking that Mr. Bates is going to find Mary's diaphragm in Anna's belongings and accuse her of having an affair with someone. Someone will have to spill the beans and Mary's indiscretion may very well be public knowledge.


She would be a perfect White House press secretary.

Do we know Peter Coyle? Ms. Bunting needs to stay away from Downton. I don't blame Robert for being angry. I also don't blame Mrs. Drewe's anger at Edith always showing up and showering attention to Marigold. The husband should have known better. He now states that Edith is no longer welcome there. I wish that