
It's "filler" air. It takes up space until it's replaced by the next "trend".

It's caucaphobic. It's anti-white trash.

Horrible ending to an otherwise very good series. Very disappointing.

I thought the same.

Bravo. When will they introduce the incest card?


Thank you.

Thanks Dale.

Who is Eva?

Norman's hair is funky.

Please explain CWness. What am I missing? Thanks Dale.

2 things. Is Paris the brother of a woman that Norma met who wanted to date Norma but she wasn't interested in? Did Dylan get the 50K from Caleb who got it from Chick? I didn't see an exchange of money. Also, what's up with that crater in the front yard? As far as Bradley, I was a bit taken aback. It kind of

Thank you so very much.

I don't understand the significance of the flash drive, the ledger, and Romero's dead mother on it. Someone, please enlighten me. I LOVE this show.

Emma is just lovely. I don't think the Dylan part is boring at all. I think he's taking a shine to Emma which would create enormous problems between him and his little brother Norman. Finally Norma did something about her hair, she looks better. For a split second I was beginning to think that Norma was killing

She sure does Hada.

Hi Ruth, it could very well be a result of her deteriorating mental condition or a Hollywood fashion flaw. It just down right sucks.

Vera Farmiga oozes a girlish innocence and sex at the same time yet she needs to do something with that hair. It is not flattering at all. It makes her look older and disheveled. I like the entire Chick/Dylan/Dad scenario. Can't wait to see how that plays out. The Arcanum Club was the cherry on the cake. This

I love the show but this episode was a bit slow. Norma call 9-1-1. Please do something about that hair. It is not flattering at all. I agree with the author of this article, Vera is a force, the force of the series. Too early to speculate what may or may not happen, but I love the big old house and the rural

Could Abby Dalton ever be on Downton Abbey?